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Visual Studio 2008: Beta Inbound

Sounds like the second beta of Visual Studio 2008 is nearly upon us. According to a blog posting by the General Manager of Microsoft's Developer Division, Scott Guthrie, VS08 beta 2 should roll out this week. Even more important, Guthrie told blog readers that the latest beta will be "pretty much feature-complete."

That's a far cry from the state of VS08 beta 1, which arrived in April to much fanfare but lacked a host of key features that developers were hoping to test drive.

The beta 2 revelation occurs deep in the comments of a Guthrie blog entry on Microsoft's IronRuby project, which you can find here.

Emerging at the same time is .NET Framework 3.5 beta 2. The updated framework adds some intriguing new talents to the framework.

"There are actually a number of small improvements to WPF in .NET 3.5," wrote Guthrie, who also revealed "new support for LINQ databinding with WPF."

Guthrie emphasized that both betas of .NET 3.5 and VS08 are full-featured previews. "We'll do some small features additions/changes based on new feedback on beta 2, but 99 percent of the features are all there," he wrote.

Do you plan to download the beta 2 of Visual Studio 2008? We'd like to get your impressions of the new beta. Write me at [email protected] and your comments could be featured in our next issue.

Posted by Michael Desmond on 07/25/2007

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