Desmond File

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Stow the Politics: What's Your Take on OOXML and ODF?

We're publishing a feature article on the OOXML and ODF file formats for our next issue of Redmond Developer News, and we want to hear from you about the technical strengths and weaknesses of each. Here's your chance to have a direct voice in the argument.

Have you worked with or examined the OOXML spec? Tell us what you think Microsoft needs to fix or improve in OOXML, and tell us what aspects of the spec have impressed you.

We're looking for the same input on the ODF side of the house. If you're familiar with the OpenDocument Format, e-mail us with your take on what the technology does right and what it does wrong.

Write us at [email protected] and you could be featured in the next issue of Redmond Developer News.

Posted by Michael Desmond on 09/26/2007

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