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Microsoft Upgrades Windows Phone Dev Center

The Windows Phone Developer Center, open just a month now, already has its first update. Microsoft's Todd Brix blogged that the Web site has more than 100 upgrades, including reliability, performance and app submission fixes.

One very cool update is the ability to have user feedback on an app translated into a language of the developer's choice. So if you're getting feedback in German, for example, and you don't know German, the dev center can translate comments into English. It does this via the "Microsoft Translator," according to a screenshot on the blog entry.

The Developer Center was renamed in August, being formerly known as App Hub. At the time of the rollout of the new site, a number of developers complained about it being slow and buggy. It appears, based on the number of changes, that Microsoft has worked hard to address those concerns.

Posted by Keith Ward on 09/28/2012

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