.NET Tips and Tricks

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Welcome to .NET Tips and Tricks

We're changing up our coverage on the Visual Studio Magazine Web site. Yes, I'll continue to review development tools in each issue of VSM, but the focus of this blog is shifting. Rather than look at the third-party tools industry, I'll focus on making you more productive with the tools you use every day: Visual Studio and .NET Framework.

Starting this week, I'll be publishing useful tips and tricks that can make you more productive. That includes (but isn't limited to) getting more out of Visual Studio. There is a ton of useful stuff in the IDE that I don't think anyone outside of the Visual Studio development team knows about. The same is true of .NET as a whole. There are features in the .NET Framework that are waiting for you... if you only knew about them.

Now you will. I'll be mining for these valuable nuggets and delivering fresh tips to you every week. Obviously, I'm not tracking tools anymore, so we've retired the ToolTracker blog name. Starting today, the new name for this blog will be ".NET Tips and Tricks."

And if you know a cool tip, send it along to me at [email protected] . We may put your tip in the column and put your name up in lights.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 03/21/2011

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