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SharePoint GUID Collision Avoidance

SharePoint developers working in Visual Studio 2010 know that GUID collisions can be a needless nuisance. Brian Watts sent along this tip that he got from one of Doug Ware's tutorials on SharePoint. Brian adds a pre-deployment command to his Visual Studio build-deploy-debug process that deletes and recreates his SharePoint site before he does any testing. Brian says he can't remember the last time he had a problem with a GUID clash.

To make this happen, in your SharePoint 2010 project, go into the Properties window, select the SharePoint tab, and add the following code to the pre-deployment Command Line box at the top of the window:

stsadm -o deletesite -url <url for his site>
stsadm -o createsite -url <url for his site> 
     -owneremail <your email>
     -ownerlogin <your admin id, including the domain name>
     -siteTemplate "STS#1"
     -description "A test site"
     -title "Test Site"

Brian says it might be adding a couple of seconds whenever he presses F5, but that delay is more than worth the benefits of avoiding any problems.

Do you have a Visual Studio tip, you'd like to share? Send it to me at [email protected].

Posted by Peter Vogel on 03/29/2011

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