.NET Tips and Tricks

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Wrapping Lines in Visual Studio

I was teaching Learning Tree's ASP.NET MVC course a few weeks back. The author of that course decided that having code lines extend past the right-hand edge of the code window wasn't a good idea if you're an instructor demoing some code. To eliminate those disappearing lines on the demo computer we use in the course, he turned on word-wrap for Visual Studio. This choice keeps all of the code on the screen by wrapping long lines of code back to the left hand margin.

If you like that idea, it's easy to turn on that option. Go to Tools | Options | Text Editor | All Languages and select the "Word wrap" choice on the right. That's all you need to do but, if you want, you can also have Visual Studio put a U-turn arrow at the end of each line that's too long to fit in the window -- just click the "Show Visual Glyphs for word wrap" option under the Word wrap choice.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 12/15/2015

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