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The Simplest Way to Create an Asynchronous Method

You like the idea of using await and async to execute asynchronous methods, and you've got a method that you'd like to turn into an asynchronous method ... but you haven't called any native asynchronous methods within your method and you're not sure what to do to make your method "awaitable." There is an easy solution: Pass the result of your method to the Task object's static FromResult method, which will load the Task object's Result property (which, really, is what all that async/await processing depends on).

Here's an example of some code that creates a Customer object:

public Customer GetCustomer()
   Customer cust;
   cust = new Customer {Id = 1, FirstName = "Peter", LastName = "Vogel"};
   return cust;

Here's the same method, in an asynchronous version, taking advantage of the FromResult method:

public Task<Customer> GetCustomer()
  Customer cust;
  cust = new Customer { Id = 1 };
  return Task.FromResult<Customer>(cust);

You can now use the GetCustomer method like this:

public async Task<Customer> ProcessACustomer()
  Customer cust = await GetCustomer();
  //...do something with the Customer object asynchronously
  return cust;

Posted by Peter Vogel on 07/23/2018

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