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When the Watch Window in Visual Studio Doesn't Update

While debugging in Visual Studio, you may notice, when you check some value in the Watch window, one of two icons beside your data. You may get one or the other of a circle with two wavy lines inside of it or the standard refresh icon of two curved arrows chasing each other. Either icon indicates that the data being displayed in the Watch window isn't up to date.

There are two reasons for these icons appearing: Either there's been a problem in fetching the data (e.g. a timeout) or Visual Studio is concerned that evaluating the expression may result in some side-effects that will make debugging more difficult for you.

It's lovely that you get that warning but, if you've noticed the icons then it's probably because you're checking the value and, if you're checking the value then it's probably because you need that value. Clicking the icon will force Visual Studio to make another attempt at giving you the latest version of the data you want.

If you can't get the data you want (or if it turns out that Visual Studio was right and re-evaluating the expression really did make your life more difficult) then your best option is to set a breakpoint a line or two earlier and re-run your test.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 01/09/2019

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