From Silverlight to Metro: Listing 4.

The updated search button event handler.

public async void SearchBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


  // Retrieve Topic to Search for from WaterMarkTextBox

  string topic = txtSearchTopic.Text;

  // Construct Digg REST URL

  string diggUrl = String.Format(
    "{0}&appkey=", topic);

  // Initiate Network call to Digg

  var client = new HttpClient();

  var response = new HttpResponseMessage();

  response = client.Get(new Uri(diggUrl));

  string responseString = response.Content.ReadAsString();



About the Author

Michael Crump is a product manager that works at Microsoft on the Azure platform. He is a is a developer, blogger and speaker of topics relating to cloud development. He’s passionate about helping developers understand the benefits of the cloud in a no-nonsense way. You can reach him on Twitter at mbcrump or by following his blog at

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