Developing for Windows Phones 7 and 8: Listing 1
Substitute Windows Phone 7 SaveAppointmentTask.
- By Nick Randolph
- 11/30/2012
public class SaveAppointmentTask
private static ConstructorInfo SaveAppointmentTaskConstructor { get; set; }
private static Type ReminderType { get; set; }
private static Type AppointmentStatusType { get; set; }
private static MethodInfo ShowMethod { get; set; }
static SaveAppointmentTask()
var type = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.SaveAppointmentTask, Microsoft.Phone");
if (type == null) return;
SaveAppointmentTaskConstructor = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] {});
AppointmentStatusType = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Phone.UserData.AppointmentStatus, Microsoft.Phone");
ReminderType = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.Reminder, Microsoft.Phone");
ShowMethod = type.GetMethod("Show");
public static bool IsSupported
get { return SaveAppointmentTaskConstructor != null; }
private object Instance { get; set; }
public SaveAppointmentTask()
Instance = SaveAppointmentTaskConstructor.Invoke(null);
public DateTime? StartTime
get { return GetProperty<DateTime?>(Instance, "StartTime"); }
set { SetProperty(Instance, "StartTime", value); }
public DateTime? EndTime
get { return GetProperty<DateTime?>(Instance, "StartTime"); }
set { SetProperty(Instance, "StartTime", value); }
public bool IsAllDayEvent
get { return GetProperty<bool>(Instance, "IsAllDayEvent"); }
set { SetProperty(Instance, "IsAllDayEvent", value); }
public string Subject
get { return GetProperty<string>(Instance, "Subject"); }
set { SetProperty(Instance, "Subject", value); }
public string Location
get { return GetProperty<string>(Instance, "Location"); }
set { SetProperty(Instance, "Location", value); }
public string Details
get { return GetProperty<string>(Instance, "Details"); }
set { SetProperty(Instance, "Details", value); }
public Reminder Reminder
get { return GetEnumProperty<Reminder>(Instance, "Reminder"); }
set { SetEnumProperty(Instance, "Reminder", value,ReminderType); }
public AppointmentStatus AppointmentStatus
get { return GetEnumProperty<AppointmentStatus>(Instance, "AppointmentStatus"); }
set { SetEnumProperty(Instance, "AppointmentStatus", value,AppointmentStatusType); }
public void Show()
ShowMethod.Invoke(Instance, null);
private static void SetEnumProperty<TSource>(object instance, string name, TSource value,Type destinationType)
var actualValue = Enum.Parse(destinationType, value.ToString(), true);
var setMethod = instance.GetType().GetProperty(name);
setMethod.SetValue(instance, actualValue, null);
private static T GetEnumProperty<T>(object instance, string name)
var setMethod = instance.GetType().GetProperty(name);
var enumValue= setMethod.GetValue(instance, null);
var destValue = (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), enumValue.ToString(), true);
return destValue;
private static void SetProperty<T>(object instance, string name, T value)
var setMethod = instance.GetType().GetProperty(name);
setMethod.SetValue(instance, value, null);
private static T GetProperty<T>(object instance, string name)
var setMethod = instance.GetType().GetProperty(name);
return (T)setMethod.GetValue(instance, null);
public enum Reminder
/// <summary>No reminder is shown for the appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The reminder is shown at the appointment start time.</summary>
/// <summary>The reminder is shown 5 minutes before the appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The reminder is shown 10 minutes before the appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The reminder is shown 15 minutes before the appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The reminder is shown 30 minutes before the appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The reminder is shown one hour before the appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The reminder is shown 18 hours before the appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The reminder is shown one day before the appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The reminder is shown one 1 week before the appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>Specifies information about how to treat the block of time of an appointment.</summary>
public enum AppointmentStatus
/// <summary>The attendee is free during this appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The attendee is tentatively busy during this appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The attendee is busy during this appointment.</summary>
/// <summary>The attendee is out of the office during this appointment.</summary>
About the Author
Nick Randolph runs Built to Roam, a consulting company that specializes in training, mentoring and assisting other companies build mobile applications. With a heritage in rich client applications for both the desktop and a variety of mobile platforms, Nick currently presents, writes and educates on the Windows Phone platform.