
ASP.NET's New Versioning Gets To the Core of the Matter

ASP.NET 5.0 is no more, at least by name -- it's now ASP.NET Core 1.0. Newer versions of .NET Core 5 and Entity Framework 7 will also follow suit.

ASP.NET 5.0 is no more, at least from a naming standpoint. With a thorough revamp of its internals, it's being called ASP.NET Core 1.0. And so are newer versions of .NET Core 5.0 and Entity Framework 7, which in their final released versions will be called .NET Core 1.0 and Entity Framework Core 1.0, respectively.

"Why 1.0? Because these are new. The whole .NET Core concept is new," writes Microsoft's Scott Hanselman, in his eponymously named blog. As such, Hanselman emphasizes the 1.0-ness of these versions, and like 1.0 versions these releases are early in development.

"To be clear, ASP.NET 4.6 is the more mature platform. It's battle-tested and released and available today," he writes. "ASP.NET Core 1.0 is a 1.0 release that includes Web API and MVC but doesn't yet have SignalR or Web Pages. It doesn't yet support VB or F#. It will have these subsystems some day but not today."

Early comments on the name change appear favorable. "Good choice. I was struggling with trying to explain ASP.NET 4.6 vs 5 with my developers and that it wasn't the same as 3 to 4. This makes it clear," writes commenter Bill Simser.

Another comment, from Damien Dennehy, came with a question:

This is cool and makes total sense, but for class library owners what's the impact (if any) to framework monikers? A year ago you needed to target dnxcore50 for ASP.NET Core 1.0. Currently it's dotnet, and this is going to change soon to netstandard. Is this going to change again now?

Hanselman's reply was simple: "'netstandard' is the way forward, Damien."

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You Tell 'Em, Readers: If you've read this far, know that Michael Domingo, Visual Studio Magazine Editor in Chief, is here to serve you, dear readers, and wants to get you the information you so richly deserve. What news, content, topics, issues do you want to see covered in Visual Studio Magazine? He's listening at [email protected].

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