
Isolator++ 3 Simplifies C/C++ Code Unit Testing

Newest version of Typemock's unit testing framework uses a patented isolation technology to simplify unit testing of C/C++ code.

Automated testing solutions developer Typemock has released a new version of its Isolator++ that has among a slew of news features "the ability to to call private members, play out scenarios with Conditional Behavior Faking, create custom conditions with conditional verification," according to a company press release.

""Companies in highly-regulated industries, such as finance, banking, and insurance, use software that was written in C/C++ specifically due to its performance and speed," said Typemock founder Eli Lopian, in a press release. "The price for this performance is its fragility and so it must be tested, more so even than other languages."

The company claims that currently Isolator++ version 3 is "the only framework that can mock any code written in Windows C/C++, including legacy code," which means developers won't have to bolt on code such as macros, classes and members just to do unit testing of code. The company says that that capability comes in the form of its patented isolation technology "to change the behavior of methods under test" and "enables asserting method calls and parameters on dependencies when it is not possible to test for return values and/or state change."

One of the more useful aspects of version 3 is that it can handle C and C++ development paradigm, features, and common practices. "Many functions in C/C++ don't just return values, but also use parameters that are passed by reference to return values," according to the release. "Isolator++ can mock the functions and simulate returning values by reference, as if the code actually ran and returned them."

More information on Isolator++ 3 is here.

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