
.NET Core 3.0 Preview 8 Ships as General Availability Approaches

Microsoft shipped .NET Core 3.0 Preview 8 ahead of next month's expected general availability release furthering the company's new direction for the cross-platform, open source .NET ecosystem.

Just as with last month's Preview 7 (actually referred to as a release candidate in the project roadmap), the dev team isn't introducing any new major features but rather focusing on a stability-and-reliability polish of existing features.

"If these final previews seem anti-climactic, that's by design," said exec Richard Lander in an announcement post yesterday (Aug. 13).

The code being polished, again, like last month's update, is production ready, and indeed is already being used to power Microsoft's own .NET site, whose bottom footer text reads: "Powered by .NET Core 3.0.0-preview8-28405-0."

Thus the release notes are skimpy, though they do point out bugs and minor features affecting CoreCLR, CoreFX, ASP.NET and other components, along with API differences.

"The .NET Core 3.0 release is coming close to completion, and the team is solely focused on stability and reliability now that we're no longer building new features," Lander said. "Please tell us about any issues you find, ideally as quickly as possible. We want to get as many fixes in as possible before we ship the final 3.0 release."

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer for Converge360.

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