SpecFlow Two-Step Parameter Conversions

Here's how to use SpecFlow to convert plain-text scenario steps into .NET types.

Creating HTML Helpers You Can Use in Any ASP.NET View

An HTML Helper is a bit of Razor code that can be called from multiple places in a View. But, if you put your Helper in the right place, you can also use it from any View in your application.

The Reality of Getting Started with Test-Driven Development

Moving to TDD with ASP.NET is not, in fact, as easy as everyone tells you it is. But it's not as much work as you might think, either. Here's what you need to do to start doing TDD in the real world with an existing ASP.NET MVC application.

ASP.NET Core, .NET Core, EF Core 1.1 Updates In Preview

The first preview of the next incremental update to ASP.NET Core comes with a slew of new middleware components for speeding up app performance, while updates to .NET Core and Entity Framework Core come with mainly support additions.

Nesting Layouts in ASP.NET MVC

If you've got a site that contains subsites and want to visually distinguish between those subsites (while still maintaining your site's visual integrity), consider nesting layouts within layouts.

Extending a Universal Windows Platform Media App

Both the MediaElement and Player Framework provide rich, on-screen elements for controlling media playback. Here's how to use a Universal Windows Platform app to use both the System Media Transport Controls and Cortana to provide an alternative, more integrated player experience.

Use Constants and Enums to Improve Readability (and Reduce Maintenance)

If you're not using Const and Enums then you're just making life harder for the next programmer.

Visual Studio LightSwitch Gets Turned Off

As Microsoft ends further development of LightSwitch, the "development" tool aimed at line-of-business types, it introduces an alternative: PowerApps.

3 Ways to Manage Dependent Classes in the .NET Framework

Once you start implementing current design practices, you'll find that your typical object consists of a lot of other objects.

UWP Community Toolkit 1.1 Enhancements

One month after release, there's already a slew of fixes and enhancements that are responses to user feedback to the toolkit. Also, it's now a .NET Foundation project.

October Surprise: Azure Developer Updates

Fresh from Ignite, the Azure teams have been on a DevOps-heavy kick with a number of new tools for managing Azure services.

TypeScript 2.0 Final Version Not To Be Missed

The final point release of Microsoft's JavaScript-like language comes with tagged unions, glob support and new types with which to play around.

Best Practices for Loosely Coupled Classes

In an object-oriented world you create flexible applications by combining objects. You'll want to keep those objects loosely coupled, though, so that a change in one class doesn't force you to rewrite every class. Here's how to keep them loosely coupled.

Azure Application Platform: Moving to the Modern Cloud

From VSLive!: Microsoft's Matt Nunn demonstrated some use cases for the modern cloud platform, one that opens up options for businesses to tranform the way they do business internally and externally.

Leveraging TypeScript When Working with IndexedDB

TypeScript might change the way you design an application that uses IndexedDB.

Randell: Put DevOps Into Practice

From Visual Studio Live!, Anaheim: Brian Randell gets beyond buzzwords with a DevOps demo that puts .NET Core and Visual Studio Team Services right in the middle of the mix.

Taking C# and Xamarin Everywhere

From Visual Studio Live!: Microsoft's Xamarin guy James Montemagno described the combination of C# and Xamarin as the perfect mobile platform.

Team Foundation Server 15 RC2 Deemed Production-Ready

Microsoft's Visual Studio team says that even though it's a release candidate, it can be used for developing production-ready apps, which the company has dogfooded it internally. Also: Pricing for Release Management available, now that it's a part of TFS '15' RC2.

A .NET Developer's Life, or How To Do Production Debugging on the Fly

A case study in swift .NET application debugging using a variety of free tools that can help keep a client happy.

Microsoft's Cloud Covers Germany, More Geographic Areas

From Microsoft Ignite: Azure now in Germany, four other areas. Plus: Bevy of Azure announcements include more security controls in the cloud, improved monitoring capabilities.

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