Visual Studio 2015 Update 1, TFS 2015 Update 1 RTM

Final releases of VS 2015 Update 1, TFS Update 1 follow quickly after release candidates that were announced during Microsoft's Connect() event in November.

Overloading TypeScript Functions

TypeScript has some "interesting" limitations when it comes to overloading functions. But it also offers you some options when you need more flexibility in declaring functions, including both optional parameters and infinite parameter lists.

Cortana, How Do I Add You To My Windows Apps?

With the Universal Windows Platform, you can now build apps that truly interact with the new digital assistant for Windows. In this article, Nick Randolph walks through using Cortana to launch and interact with your application.

Microsoft Sheds Light on Open Source Developments

Microsoft's Jay Schmelzer described the current state of the developer group's open source efforts in Redmond at a Live! 360 Conference keynote.

Microsoft Showcases Visual Studio Dev Essentials, Visual Studio Code in New York

Microsoft packages a handful of developer-related services into an Essentials-style pack, and submits Visual Studio Code to beta testing. Oh yeah, and it's also being open sourced.

Sencha Ext JS Offers .NET Devs Short Cuts for Web Apps

Preview of new plugin from the developers of the Sencha Web Application Lifecyle Management Platform allows .NET developers to write JavaScript code as if it were native to Visual Studio.

Project Oxford Gets Emotional for 'Movember'

Project Oxford team releases public beta of emotion tool that recognizes a core set of emotional states, which developers can embed into .NET apps.

Creating a True Value Object

You can dramatically simplify your code by using classes to define read-only/immutable objects … but to create classes that behave correctly requires a little bit of redirection.

Parameter Sweeps, or How I Took My Neural Network for a Test Drive

The short definition of a parameter sweep is that it's the process of trying different training parameter values in order to find a good set of neural network weight values.

Creating a Value Object that Developers Can Use

You can dramatically simplify your code by using value objects, but to create a value object that makes sense to the developer who uses it, you need to redefine what the equals sign means. Along the way, Peter points out some problems when you don't use classes to define your data.

ASP.NET MVC 6 and Tag Helpers, Part 2

Now that you know how to create tag helpers, let's create a custom one that loads a bootstrap-select dropdown via a remote URI.

Implementing Strategy Pattern and Callbacks in TypeScript

The TypeScript datatyping support not only applies to simple variables, it also supports you when doing clever things with functions. Specifically, TypeScript ensures you create reliable code when implementing callback functions.

Using Predicates in Akka.NET Receive Actors

Create precise logic dictating which messages an actor will handle and how they will react to them.

Xamarin Bolsters Cross-Platform Tools with RoboVM Buy

The acquisition adds Java development capabilities to the company's cross-platform development arsenal.

Securing ASP.NET: Find a Flaw, Get $15K

Microsoft's ASP.NET team is willing to pay $15,000 to developers who discover specific security gaps in .NET Core and ASP.NET.

Hosting JavaScript in a Windows 10 App

An introduction to the Chakra JavaScript engine and how it can be used within a Windows 10 app to execute JavaScript.

A More Efficient Text Pattern Search Using a Trie Class in .NET

The trie data structure is one alternative method for searching text that can be more efficient than traditional search approaches. Here's a trie class you can create in C#.

Simplifying Applications with Eventual Consistency

Stop trying to make everything work all at once. Instead, use Domain Events to make applications simpler, more scalable and easier to maintain -- and to defer updates until you can't avoid making them.

Visual Studio Online Supports Azure AD Groups

Sprint 89 now has support for Azure Active Directory Groups, and previews a new work item form that will be the basis for work item forms moving forward.

5 Non-Coding Procedures for Securing .NET Applications

Organizations that encountered security breaches have lost large sums of money, both directly and indirectly in terms of damaged reputations, layoffs, fines, etc. With so much at stake, developers need to turn to IT security, which is now a must for any IT department.

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