Implementing Binary JSON in ASP.NET Web API 2.1

Visual Studio 2013 came with a new version of Web API. The Web API 2.1 update includes a host of new features, including support for Binary JSON. Learn how to leverage BSON by building a Web API 2.1 service.

Microsoft Releases Visual Studio 2013 Update 2

ASP.NET vNEXT, Apache Cordova tooling also announced.

Microsoft Updates .NET Framework to 4.5.2

Better debugging, support for Async are among the highlights.

ASP.NET MVC Extensibility with MEF

How to use MEF to add validation rule components to an ASP.NET MVC Web application.

7 More Top Tips for Visual Studio 2013

Part 1 presented six top tips for Visual Studio 2013. Part 2 wraps up the series with seven more tips that every developer needs to know about the latest version of the Visual Studio IDE.

New NuGet .NET Framework Packages Prepped

Developers are encouraged to vote on which releases will come first.

Visual Studio 2013 Update 2, CTP 2 Now Ready

TypeScript 1.0 is nearing reality.

Windows Azure Gets .NET Upgrades

The enhancements include integration with the ASP.NET Web API.

Creating Custom ASP.NET MVC Filters

ASP.NET MVC filters can be defined once and used in multiple places. Because ASP.NET MVC also provides the ability to create custom filters, it's good practice to learn how to make them and use them in your own projects.

Visual Studio 2013 Update 1 Now Available

Update 2 is not far behind, either.

Managing Client-Side Objects Using TypeScript: It's a Breeze

Once you've delivered server-side objects to your client, you're going to need to manage them. Here's how to integrate a powerful client-side (and server-side) object manager into your application using TypeScript.

Visual Studio 2013 Steps Up Big Time

Visual Studio 2013 ramps up the expectations of what Microsoft can do when it works as a cohesive team, instead of competing business units.

Handling Record Contention in Code-First Entity Framework

Peter returns to the topic of managing multiple users accessing the same row in a table using Entity Framework, but this time using code-first development. There are some unexpected issues to deal with.

Creating Useful Naming Conventions: Technical Considerations

Naming conventions are obviously a good thing, right? Not necessarily -- and only if you understand the problem they solve.

Test-Driven Development with Content Negotiation in the Web API

There's no doubt that the ASP.NET Web API is a wonderful thing. But developing services that support content negotiation in a testable way requires a little setup.

Going Beyond Usernames and Roles with Claims-Based Security in .NET 4.5

Claims-based security lets you manage your site's authorization process using any criteria that makes sense to you. And the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 provides some performance support for you once you start using claims-based security.

Building and Testing a Web API Service

As part of building a client-side application in a test-driven way and using TypeScript, Peter creates a Web API service and writes a test that proves he can access it from JavaScript code -- though there are some "wrinkles" in making this work. Along the way, he has an insight about TypeScript versus other, first-class .NET languages.

Web API 2 Routing Attributes, Part 1

Eric Vogel covers how to use the new Web API 2 routing attributes to create a Web service in Part 1 of this series.

ASP.NET MVC 5 Authentication Filters

Learn how to use the new Authentication filters in ASP.NET MVC 5, currently in developer preview.

Leveraging Claims-Based Security in ASP.NET 4.5

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 support for claims-based security can make your existing authorization system more powerful and flexible, even if you never intend to start working with third-party security providers. Plus, it's backward-compatible with virtually all of the authorization code you're already using.

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