Caching in on HTML5 Local Storage

HTML5 introduces client-side caching for local and session storage. Learn how to boost your app's performance through the new functionality.

Developer Recommendations from BUILD

Joe Kunk sifts through the Windows 8 announcements at BUILD and offers advice on next steps.

WebSockets for Faster, More Scalable Ajax Applications

If you want to call a service you can—but the service can't call you back. WebSockets offers the potential for real, two way communications -- and it's as simple as calling a Web Service.

Chocolatey Goodness: A Sweet Installer

Chocolatey is a powerful installation program for open-source software.

Using MEF to Retrieve Connection Strings

Rather than try to ensure that he's getting the right config file for his production and test systems, Peter Vogel lets the application configure itself, using the Managed Extensibility Framework to enable automatic selection of the right connection string

Using the Form View with Any Data Collection

The ASP.NET DataViews are powerful tools when coupled with a DataSource. But you can skip the DataSource and use the DataViews to handle displaying and updating any collection of objects you want, with a few lines of code.

The Brave New World of Windows 8

Windows 8, unveiled in September, will change the way Microsoft-focused developers build applications.

Building Great HTML5 Apps

HTML5 is a key part of Windows 8, and web development, going forward. This series will show you how to build great HTML5 applications.

ASP.NET: Managing DOM Events Interoperably

Peter Vogel introduces you to the new dynamic event model for JavaScript that's available in all the contemporary browsers.

Build Keynote Day 2: Developers Take Center Stage

Scott Guthrie and Jason Zander, corporate vice presidents of, respectively, Microsoft's Server and Tools Business and the Visual Studio Team, today headlined some significant developer focused improvements in Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview.

HTML5 for ASP.NET Developers

The technologies bundled as HTML5 finally support what developers have been trying to get HTML to do for decades.

Using Razor with Visual Basic

Build a Web site using MVC 3 and the Razor View Engine.

Scale ASP.NET Apps Through Distributed Caching

High-transaction environments can use distributed caching to boost performance without major code changes.

Client-Side Data Management with NetAdvantage for jQuery

Infragistics provides a toolkit for creating data-driven applications using client-side code that accesses a variety of data sources, both in the page and back on the client.

Papa's Got a Brand New Mag

Keith Ward discusses his new position, and has questions for Microsoft's upcoming BUILD conference.

ASP.NET MVC: Improving Productivity with the WebGrid

The WebGrid will certainly make the developers who use it more productive. But is it missing the point of the ASP.NET MVC model?

ASP.NET: Configuring WCF for REST with JSON

If you want to extend your ASP.NET application to include RESTful calls that return JSON results to JavaScript code in an AJAX page, here's how to manage your URLs to reduce errors, integrate with ASP.NET MVC, and pass objects from your browser to your server.

ASP.NET: Exploiting DataSources' Events

If you're using the ASP.NET DataSources, you may be missing an important part of their functionality: the power of their events. But sometimes the right event isn't on the DataSource.

ASP.NET: Extending the Config File with Custom Sections

If you want to do a better job of managing your configuration settings than just throwing random data into appSettings, you can extend your config file with your own custom XML and actually edit your settings.

MIX11: Microsoft Releases IE10 Platform Preview, Entity Framework and MVC 3 Updates

Dean Hachamovitch and Scott Guthrie headline Microsoft's 11th Web dev conference, emphasizing HTML5 interoperability and strong ties to open source solutions.

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