Deleting with jQuery and Web Services

Peter continues to extend his jQuery/jTemplate case study by supporting deletes of multiple rows with a single mouse click.

Updating From the Client with jQuery

Peter continues to exploit jQuery in his client-side code to integrate an ASP.NET page with a WCF service -- this time to support updating data.

Using Element to Element Binding for ToolTips in Silverlight

Silverlight 3 or higher provides a feature called “element to element” binding that allows one element to bind to another element’s property.

Defining Templates with jTemplate

A combination of client-side code, WCF services, and jQuery lets you retrieve data from your sever and display it to the user using Web Services and client-side code.

Building Better Client Internet Apps

Peter looks at the options for client-side development and the practicalities of leveraging ASP.NET.

Suppressing the Back Button: Just Say No

Peter deals with all the people who want to disable the Back button. First, he tells them to stop asking but (finally) breaks down and suggests a solution.

Maintaining Data Integrity from the DataView

DataViews fire a range of events that you can use to ensure that data is correct before it goes to the database -- and they're especially useful when you're using the GridView or DetailsView.

Integrating jQuery, Web Services, AJAX and ASP.NET

The jQuery library makes it easier to create applications that execute in the browser. By leveraging existing ASP.NET technologies and merging them with jQuery, you can create faster, more responsive applications.

Dynamically Setting Parameters

At design time, you can tie parameters in the DataSource to a variety of data sources. But sometimes the source for your values can't be set at design time. Here's how to set those values at runtime.

Requiring SSL for MVC Controllers

ASP.NET MVC provides a lot of flexibility when it comes to changing how controllers, actions, routes and more work within an application. Having flexibility is good especially when you need to make a modification quickly without having to write a lot of code to get the change in place.

Dynamic Data Retrieval

You can't always make all of your data retrieval decisions at design time -- sometimes you have to wait for the user to tell you what data to get. Peter shows you how to work with a DataSource to retrieve data dynamically at runtime.

Getting Files To and From the Server

The FileUpload control and the ASP.NET Response object let you move files between the browser and the server. And moving in each direction just requires a few lines of code.

Dynamically Generate Complex Pages with the MultiView

The MultiView control allows you to swap sets of controls on and off the page. But the MultiView control also makes it easier for you to generate new page content and add it at run time.

Customizing the Login Control

By converting composite controls into their templates, you gain full control over the makeup of the control and individual controls within it.

Supporting a Printer-Friendly Page Button (Part 2)

Peter wraps up his solutions for getting junk off the page when the user wants to print out a copy. This time by working with Themes and JavaScript.

Supporting a Printer-Friendly Page Button (Part I)

Peter investigates three solutions for getting junk off your page when the user wants to print a copy.

All I Really Need to Know

Since announcing the Microsoft Interoperability Initiative early last year, we've seen the company move in a consistent and tangible direction toward greater openness, cooperation and interoperability.

Developing Around Social Networking and Knowledge Management

Peter asks if business developers should be thinking seriously about social networking and knowledge management.

Supporting Multiple Languages and Cultures (Part 2)

Peter Vogel dives deeper into the challenge of presenting ASP.NET Web pages in multiple languages and cultures.

Supporting Multiple Languages and Cultures

ASP.NET can simplify the difficult task of internationalizing your Web pages. Peter Vogel shows you how.

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