Windows: Coming to a Mainframe Near You?

Big Iron shops have two options to run their Windows applications on System z: emulation via z/Vos or full-blown porting via Mono.

Databinding Without Tables: Inserting with the GridView

The final installment in Peter's series on how to use the GridView without a DataSource explores how developers can perform inserts.

Databinding without Tables: Updates and Deletes

Peter adds the code to support doing updates and deletes with an unbound GridView.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Available on TechNet, MSDN

On Friday, Microsoft made the new R2 version of its Windows Server 2008 server operating system available to MSDN and TechNet subscribers.

Databinding the GridView Without Using a Table

If you want to let your users edit repeated rows of data, you can use the GridView -- even if your data isn't in a table. You need to do pick the right design for your data but you can enable all of the functionality of the GridView for data held in memory.

Extend Sorting in the GridView

Sorting in the GridView is simple to implement, as long as you want simple sorting. For more complex sorts you have to take control of the Sorting event.

Technology To Think About: .NET RIA Services on the Client

Peter returns to .NET RIA Services to look at the client side of creating an application.

Technology To Think About: .NET RIA Services on the Server

The ASP.NET-related portions of .NET RIA Services aren't ready for primetime yet, but now's a good time to start kicking the tires.

Telerik's .NET Tools Suite Bundles Updated RadControls, ORM and UI Test Framework

Telerik’s Premium Collection for .NET, released last week, updates all seven of its product lines including the data access tool and Web UI testing framework that mark the company’s new strategy to diversify beyond UI components for the Microsoft platform.

Sorting in the ObjectDataSource

Your users may want to get their data in a specific order -- and not get it all at once. You can control both with the ObjectDataSource (and a little code).

What's New in Silverlight 3?

The newest version of Microsoft's answer to Flash is now out. Dan gives a quick rundown of what's different, from the improved graphics and networking support to new controls and styles.

Integrating Master Pages and Content Pages

Not content with providing a solution for displaying information from the Content page on its MasterPage, Peter returns to the topic to solve the problem from another direction.

July Product Watch: AVIcode Intercept uX, Mykonos 1.0, More

Visual Studio Magazine gives a rundown of AVIcode's Intercept uX, Mykonos' 1.0 AJAX security framework, and Borland's TeamDefine.

Targeting Azure Storage

Learn how to store and retrieve binary large objects in the cloud with Azure's RESTful Storage API.

Validators: The Easy Way To Build Business Rules into Your UI

Validator controls make handling errors and reporting them in the UI easy, but what you may not know is how easy it is to create your own Validator.

Consuming WCF Services in Silverlight 3

If you've consumed an ASP.NET ASMX Web service before, then you'll feel right at home consuming a WCF service.

Integrating User Controls with WebParts

In his ongoing campaign to convince ASP.NET developers that User Controls are a simple way to start implementing customizable pages, Peter shows how to improve the integration between User Controls and ASP.NET's WebPart framework.

Encrypting the Web.Config File

If you're concerned about keeping critical information in your Web.config file, then you should encrypt it -- or at least the parts that you're concerned about.

Handling Concurrency with Entity Framework

If you want to use Entity Framework in ASP.NET, you're going to need to handle concurrency problems. Here are some suggestions from a Microsoft "architect evangelist."

Handling Concurrency with ObjectDataSource

Peter revisits the problem of dealing with multiple updates to the same data, but this time he looks at a solution that involves the ObjectDataSource.

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