Profile: Innovative Information Delivery

Zimbra is looking to build on its reputation of taking Ajax to the limit.

DevPartner Fault Simulator: Ease Testing

Contributing Editor Don Kiely reviews Compuware's DevPartner Fault Simulator version 1.5, plus tools for AJAX.

Gates Gives Glimpse of the 'Next Web'

Microsoft's Bill Gates discusses the "next Web" for developers and designers at the MIX06 Web Conference.

Build Smart Web Apps With Atlas

Microsoft's Atlas toolkit for building Ajax-enabled applications allows you to create more interactive and more scalable application than conventional Web tools-and even outperforms .NET smart client applications.

Negotiate Between Web Parts

Learn how to create a dynamic application where Web Parts negotiate what data they will share with each other.

Improve Productivity With ASP.NET 2.0

The latest version of ASP.NET incorporates major structural changes and includes everything from new controls to new subsystems. Everything's aimed at making you more productive.

Integrate SOA Portals With WSE

Effective policymaking with WS-Policy improves your architecture's adaptability with minimal development when external service interfaces evolve and business needs change.

Integrate SOA Portals With WSE

Effective policymaking with WS-Policy improves your architecture's adaptability with minimal development when external service interfaces evolve and business needs change.

What's Next for ASP.NET?

With ASP.NET 2.0 almost in developers'' hands, it''s time to think about what''s next down the line.

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