As the end approaches for code-based sandbox support in SharePoint sites, Microsoft and third parties point to a few resources for inventorying sites that use it.
Vectors, lists, arrays, matrices and data frames -- a look at five of the most fundamental data structures built into R.
- By James McCaffrey
- 08/10/2016
A release candidate for TFS '15' comes with UI changes on the Web side and a slew of improvements to Agile planning capabilities, Git, Build, and Release Management, to name a few (as well gobs of bug fixes).
- By Michael Domingo
- 08/09/2016
If you're looking for a lean, mean, cross-platform, desktop code editor then Visual Studio Code might be just your cup of tea. However, if you're used to the level of functionality you get with Visual Studio, it's important to set your expectations appropriately.
Integrating distributed, in-memory computing with distributed caching can easily extend LINQ semantics to create important new capabilities for real-time analytics on fast-changing data.
- By William L. Bain
- 08/08/2016
Support for .NET Standard Libraries means Xamarin apps can share code among other .NET platforms, including .NET Core and ASP.NET Core.
Learn how Xamarin.Forms Behaviors and Effects make it easy to customize your apps in ways you can reuse them across all of your apps.
- By Greg Shackles
- 08/03/2016
With the release of Windows 10 Anniversary Update, there's now a version of the Universal Windows Platform app development tools for Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 that specifically targets it.
- By Michael Domingo
- 08/02/2016
The container technology company has made its tools that allow for streamlining the process of spinning up and managing Docker containers on Windows and Mac environments generally available.
- By Michael Domingo
- 08/02/2016
Latest update includes support for more recent Node.js release, as well as quite a few productivity enhancements and bug fixes.
- By Michael Domingo
- 07/28/2016
Sprint 102 adds two new build tasks, one for archiving files on various platforms, and another for queuing up Jenkins jobs.
- By Michael Domingo
- 07/28/2016
The Universal Windows Platform comes with rich media capabilities. In this article Nick explores how to customize and extend the media playback experience using the Player Framework.
- By Nick Randolph
- 07/27/2016
A preview of the forthcoming Visual F# Tools for F# 4.1 to be released later this year includes support for F# 4.1, editing and compiling .NET Core and .NET Framework projects, as well as support for tuples, struct records, and a number of other F# language enhancements.
- By Michael Domingo
- 07/26/2016
If you've used attributes in your C# or Visual Basic programs, then decorators in TypeScript are going to look very familiar to you. They're still in development, but here's a look both at how to use them and how to write them.
Or, how lifetime can mean different lengths of time, depending on whether it's procedural- or block-level.
There are so many ways to integrate an SSRS report into your page that the biggest problem you'll face is deciding which one to use. Peter runs through all the solutions he can think of, including those cases where you want to download the report as a file.
Among the changes in Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity is a fix for an issue that prevented the abiltity to debug Unity games that incorporated Xamarin. It also incorporates support for Visual Studio 2015 function breakpoints and access to Unity MonoBehaviours.
- By Michael Domingo
- 07/14/2016
You know how to run business-readable tests. Let's continue with a few more hooks.
- By Jason Roberts
- 07/14/2016
R has limited support for mathematical permutations, but it's there. Here's what R is capable of accomplishing.
- By James McCaffrey
- 07/12/2016
The Visual Studio team's latest update includes quite a number of enhancements, including tab, workbench, and editor improvements/addition, and some new debugging options.
- By Michael Domingo
- 07/12/2016