
Microsoft Loses Top C # Developer

Eric Lippert was a key part of the Roslyn compiler-as-a-service project.

Dev Disasters -- Why They Happen, How to Overcome Them

Learn lessons about your own code through the errors committed by other developers.

Reader Feedback: The C# Priority Queue

Readers share opinions about Priority Queues and the Surface tablet.

.NET 4.5 TypeInfo Reflection

The .NET 4.5 Framework includes some changes to the typical reflection use cases. Most importantly, the Type object has been split into two separate classes: Type and TypeInfo. Find out how and when to use each.

Infragistics' Windows 8 UI Tools Get a Running Start

NetAdvantage for Windows UI offers XAML and HTML/jQuery controls to Windows 8 developers.

Faking the Rest: Detouring Properties, Shimming Parameters and More

Peter finishes up his discussion of using the Fakes Framework with TDD in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate by looking at mocking properties and why you'd want to pass a shim as parameters.

Azure Mobile Services, Part 3

In Part 3 of this series, Eric Vogel covers how to implement user-level authorization and push notifications using an Azure Mobile Service.

Priority Queues with C#

A priority queue assigns a priority to each element. Knowing how to build them is important in solving many coding problems.

With TypeScript, Microsoft Embraces and Augments

TypeScript is designed to make JavaScript development scalable, something Microsoft clearly needs if it's to use JavaScript in its own work.

C# 5.0: More Than Just Async

Much emphasis has been placed on the new async capabilities in C# 5.0. However, there are smaller smaller -- but still useful -- features of which you may not be aware.

Build 2012: Windows 8 Opportunity Mobilizes Developers

Microsoft released the Windows Phone 8 developer tools on Tuesday as the company welcomed developers to its Redmond campus to dive deeper into its Windows 8 development platforms.

New Version of .NET Framework, SDK for Windows Phone 8 Released

Upgrades to the development suite include CoreCLR and async programming.

Azure Mobile Services, Part 2

In Part 2 of this series, Eric Vogel covers how to implement authentication and basic authorization with an Azure Mobile Service-backed Windows Store application.

Azure Mobile Services, Part 1

Eric Vogel covers how to create an Azure Mobile Services-backed Windows Store application.

Microsoft's TypeScript Enables JavaScript App Scaling

TypeScript has been released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Visual Studio 2012 and Live! 360

Get a preview of the upcoming conference in this issue.

.NET Framework Parallel Dataflow, Part 3

How to implement a custom Task Parallel Dataflow block.

Use Structs Instead of Classes to Pass Data Uniquely

The difference between Structs and Classes isn't about data vs. code: it's about what happens when you move the data around. And sometimes you want a Struct, not a Class.

Exploring .NET 4.5 Parallel Dataflow - Part 2

In Part 2 of this three-part series on dataflow programming with the Task Parallel Library, Eric Vogel shows you how to create a Windows 8 application that uses a composite parallel data flow.

Resource Management in C++

RAII, or "Resource Acquisition Is Initialization", has become a standard C++ coding practice. Here's why.

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