
Choose Between Methods and Properties

Language features aren't good or bad. The choice of language feature depends on what you're doing. In this issue, we dive into the methods vs. properties debate.

Customize Your Application Startup

Customize your application startup screen and add log-in functionality; learn how to view derived types in your projects; check for improper GUIDs; and drill down on extension methods.

Coverity Prevent for C#, JNBridgePro 4.0, and XMLSpy Version 2008 Release 2

A rundown of some new releases.

Inside Arrays

Drill down on how arrays work and learn some cool tips and tricks for taking advantage of them in .NET.

Return Double Values in Excel

Learn how to work around a couple bugs in Excel to return double values; drill down on lists with anonymous types; and learn the difference between Build and Rebuild.

Jazz Gets Visual Studio Support

IBM Corp.'s Rational Software unit is set to release version 1.0 of Team Concert, the commercial client to the company's Jazz collaborative software development environment.

.NET and Java Grow Organically

Mixed .NET and Java application deployment platforms promote new interoperability initiatives.

To Parse or Not To Parse

How to live a C++ life in an XML world.

IBM Rational's Big-Band Jazz Release

IBM's Rational Software division today unveiled 20 new commercial products based on its Jazz collaboration platform and opened up the Jazz community to all interested parties.

Make Your Types Report Their State

You probably write a lot of code to test object state. A better approach might be to make your objects report their own state.

A Mort by Any Other Name …

A take on one reason why VB is getting overlooked.

Readers Weigh in: VB Is Least Among Equals

Your comments on whether Microsoft really does treat VB like a second-class language.

Codejock Adds XAML Support to Component Suite

Codejock Technologies offers improved toolkits to Visual C++ and ActiveX developers.

Building Bridges

Codemesh bridges the Java-to-.NET gap at Deutsche Post.

New MFC Library

Modernize the look of your native Windows apps.

Least Among Equals

Is VB treated poorly compared to C#? Readers weigh in.

Microsoft Plans MSDN Revamp

Microsoft is finally tuning up its Microsoft Developer Network site and promises to resolve long-running frustrations developers have encountered working with it.

The Return of Ada

Last fall, contractor Lockheed Martin delivered an update to the Federal Aviation Administration's next-generation flight data air traffic control system -- ahead of schedule and under budget, which is something you don't often hear about in government circles.

Borland Debuts Silk 2008 Test Suite

The refreshed offerings mark a significant evolution in the Silk family, originally acquired by Borland in the 2006 purchase of Segue Software.

Is VB the Least Among Equals?

VB.NET gets left behind (again), this time by the Windows Live team.

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