Cloud Computing

DevOps is In The Details, Says Microsoft's Brown

How can developers gain the trust of the operations side? As Microsoft's Donovan Brown explains in a Visual Studio Live! keynote, automation is key in gaining that trust. He then live-demoed a DevOps pipeline within an Azure environment to prove his point.

Channel 9 To Live-Stream Visual Studio Live!

Amanda Silver's opening keynote on the Open Microsoft Developer Platform, along with a slew of other selected developer sessions, will be live-streamed during next week's conference at the Microsoft campus.

Docker for Windows, Mac Now Available

The container technology company has made its tools that allow for streamlining the process of spinning up and managing Docker containers on Windows and Mac environments generally available.

Generally Available: Azure Storage Node Client Library

First previewed at Build 2016, this GA version comes with a number of samples for getting started with building Node.js apps that can take full advantage of Azure Blob, File, Table and Queue storage.

2-for-1: Application Insights Widget for VSTS, Azure Toolkit Update

Microsoft offers up a new dashboard widget for Visual Studio Team Services that monitors performance, and updates the Azure Toolkit with support for Java Web Apps.

Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 1.0 Out Now

Finalized versions of Microsoft's venerable software technologies are now generally available, and for Visual Studio 2015 U3, it includes the resolution of some high memory consumption issues that bedeviled some larger VS customers.

Azure DevTest Labs Extension for VSTS Now at GA

A preview of the extension for spinning up Azure development and test environments right from within Visual Studio Team Services is now no longer a preview.

16 Essential Windows Tools for Amazon Web Services

That "other" cloud company is a popular option due to the breadth of tools and capabilities. So, it only makes sense that there are a number of Windows developer tools available for those who want to hop on the AWS cloud.

Now In The AWS Marketplace: WinDocks

WinDocks is now available for .NET developers looking for a smoother solution for spinning up Windows Server 2012-based Docker containers in the AWS cloud.

Different Take on Trial Software: Azure Test Drives

Azure Test Drives gives developers the ability to test out apps in the cloud without any commitment whatsoever.

Azure DevTest Labs Now at GA

Developer targeting cloud deployments can now use Azure DevTest Labs for development and testing and control costs at the same time.

Windows Devs Now Have Direct Pipeline to Docker Tools

Docker is open sourcing developer tools used to facilitate standing up containers targeted for Windows and Mac platforms.

New Exams for UWP-Based MCSD Title

As Microsoft Learning slates two exams for the MCSD: UWP for retirement next year, two more skills-focused exams will take their places.

.NET Core, ASP.NET Core RC2 Available This Week

New updates mainly fall into the performance and reliability categories, but the .NET engineering teams also inlcude an update to the .NET Core SDK, dubbed 'Preview 1.'

MSDN and TechNet Upgrade to the Cloud

The support and community development portals for Microsoft developers and IT specialists is getting a cloud upgrade, starting with a preview of services around Microsoft's enterprise mobility technologies. Bonus: It's being open sourced.

14 Tools For Microsoft Azure Development

Microsoft Azure has become one of the top cloud computing environments and we've got 14 essential tools for integrating Azure right into your development environment.

Visual Studio Online Sprint 98 Improves Number of Work Item Capabilities

Latest updates allows more incremental improvements to work items, such as alerts for keeping up with them and ability to move between projects, as well as the simple act of changing their types.

No Longer in Preview, Visual Studio Code 1.0 'Ships'

The online cross-platform editor is now a finished product, now that the company has appended its name with a version 1.0.

Native Hyper-V Containers in Windows 10 Will 'Ease Developer Pain'

Microsoft said it will add tooling to Hyper-V containers in Windows 10 that will allow developers to bypass complex VM machinations to support development activities. Coming PowerShell module for Docker is also aimed at devs.

Kusto Gobbles Up Application Insights Data

A new tool that ingests every piece of Application Insights and turns it into reportable information is now getting its public preview. It's also got a name.

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