
The following articles come with code downloads. To get the code downloads, click on the article titles, then click on the Code Download button.

Getting the Jump on Jump Lists

Windows 7 contains a number of UI improvements to the classic taskbar. One very useful feature for quickly launching an application with its associated files is Jump Lists. In this issue, we'll look at how you can utilize Jump Lists in your own Windows 7 applications.

Passing Data Between Pages Using the ASP.NET MenuItem

Sometimes, when the user clicks on a menu choice, you want to pass some data based on the page's content. Here's how to dynamically alter a menu control based on the data on the page.

When Hexadecimal is Just Not Enough

Joe Kunk looks at how to manage a numeric system that extends to the entire alphabet.

Load Testing with Visual Studio 2010

In part 2 of his series on Web performance testing and load testing in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, Ben Day explains how to set up a load test rig to determine how well your application performs with multiple users.

Calling WCF Services in Silverlight 4

We explore the WCF service boundary after upgrading sample applications to Visual Studio 2010 and Silverlight 4.

Memory Mapped Files

Patrick Steele shows how you can realize major performance gains when working with large images by using memory-mapped files.

Web Performance Testing with Visual Studio 2010

Performance testing and debugging is a major focus of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.

Retrieving and Displaying a Single Object with dataView and WCF

Continuing his investigation of what works and doesn't work with the AJAX library and .NET 4, Peter Vogel continues to explore how to retrieve data from the client... and discovers that it can be very easily done.

Use Microsoft Word as a Report Writer from Silverlight 4

On VB columnist Joe Kunk shows you how to use the power of Silverlight 4 COM automation and local file system access to turn Microsoft Word into a report writer for Silverlight.

How-to Q&A: Can I Store History Information Locally for a Sandboxed Silverlight App?

Learn how you can store history information for the user on the local client PC in a sandboxed Silverlight 3 application.

How-To Q&A: How do I Display Data of Complex Bound Criteria in Horizontal Lists in Silverlight?

Kathleen Dollard shows how to display a list of complex bound criteria, including data, child data and photos for each item, in Silverlight.

How-To Q&A: How Can I Automate Code Without Resorting to Heavy Code-Generation Techniques?

Kathleen Dollard shows how to improve development using T4 code generation and in-line DSL as a localized development tool.

Exploring Directed Graph Markup Language in VS2010

VS2010 Architecture Explorer Edition includes DGML, a powerful, yet easy to use, tool for visualizing almost anything.

Using LINQ to Express Intent

Use LINQ outside of databases to make your code easier to read and maintain.

Adding WCF Services to Silverlight

Explore the nuances of using WCF Services with Silverlight, and learn troubleshooting tips for working with Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4.

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