
The following articles come with code downloads. To get the code downloads, click on the article titles, then click on the Code Download button.

Asynchronous Programming with the Async CTP

The Async CTP and async and await keywords allow C# (and VB) developers to easily create more responsive applications. Here's how to get started with the Async CTP.

Windows Phone 7: Building a YouTube Search App

New VSM columnist Nick Randolph kicks off his Mobile Corner column by showing how to build a YouTube search app using Visual Studio 2010 and Expression Blend.

6 MVVM Tips: Leverage ViewModel and Unit Test Silverlight and WP7 Apps

The Microsoft Model-View-ViewModel pattern is an indispensable tool for developing applications for Silverlight, Windows Phone 7 and Windows Presentation Foundation. Benjamin Day helps you avoid architectural pitfalls and create unit-testable and maintainable applications.

Using Expression Trees in Your APIs

How to translate C# code into expression trees to eliminate strings, standardize parameter validations and interact with other data structures.

Surfacing the Visual Basic Templates in WebMatrix

WebMatrix is an exciting new tool for creating ASP.NET Web applications. Unfortunately, Visual Basic developers face an additional challenge because Microsoft only surfaces C# templates. Here's how to get access to the VB templates.

Asynchronous Programming in .NET: I'll Call You Back

VSM Web columnist Eric Vogel kicks off his first C# Corner installment with a walk through creating an application using asynchronous programming.

Get Started with Visual Basic Development for Windows Phone 7

Tips on Windows Phone 7 development and app design with sample code for a Windows Phone Pivot application.

Take Unit Testing to the Next Level

How to associate unit tests with requirements in Visual Studio 2010.

Implementing Deletes with Template Event Handlers

Peter Vogel implements deletes for rows in a template by adding event handlers to the template. He also looks at a feature of the tmpl plugin that he wasn't able to shoehorn into his sample project. (Part 3 of 4)

Tips for Easier C# Unit Testing

C# Corner columnist Patrick Steele says writing unit tests can be a time-consuming chore. He looks at some approaches that can make writing unit tests easier and more efficient for C# programmers.

Supporting Updates with jQuery Data Linking

Peter extends his AJAX page with jQuery's new data linking technology. This supports letting the user make changes on the client that are passed back to a Web service that updates the database on the server.

Displaying and Filtering Data with jQuery Templates

Building on the new jQuery extensions for displaying multiple rows, Peter builds a page that retrieves data from a Web Service based on the user's input -- and filters the data in the client as well.

C# Object Equality in .NET

Explore ways to override the default concepts of object equality, based on reference and value types, in the Microsoft .NET Framework.

How to Generate Code from a UML Model in Visual Studio 2010

The UML modeler is a powerful new tool, especially when it's backed with a code-generation system.

Setting Up for jQuery Templates

Peter Vogel prepares to try out the new jQuery templating/databinding functionality to create a simple AJAX-enabled page that allows the user to select a customer and retrieve from a Web service all the orders associated with that customer.

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