
Browsing Objects with IndexedDB

Peter shows how to browse a set of objects in an IndexedDB ObjectStore and, along the way, finishes up his TypeScript/IndexedDB utilities for storing and retrieving large amounts of data on the client.

Debugging Mouse Clicks and Dragging in C++

Debugging mouse events is especially confusing, because when the debugger stops the code, most of the events go away! What tactics can we use in these situations?

SpecFlow Two-Step Parameter Conversions

Here's how to use SpecFlow to convert plain-text scenario steps into .NET types.

Creating HTML Helpers You Can Use in Any ASP.NET View

An HTML Helper is a bit of Razor code that can be called from multiple places in a View. But, if you put your Helper in the right place, you can also use it from any View in your application.

Magic Forms Access in Visual Basic and C#

Look behind the curtain on this one, and you'll see that code is quite magical in and of itself.

The Reality of Getting Started with Test-Driven Development

Moving to TDD with ASP.NET is not, in fact, as easy as everyone tells you it is. But it's not as much work as you might think, either. Here's what you need to do to start doing TDD in the real world with an existing ASP.NET MVC application.

Choosing Between Default Arguments and Overloading in C++

Decisions, decisions. Here's why overloading will keep you out of trouble.

Nesting Layouts in ASP.NET MVC

If you've got a site that contains subsites and want to visually distinguish between those subsites (while still maintaining your site's visual integrity), consider nesting layouts within layouts.

Strategies for Debugging Lots of C++ Objects Effectively

When you have code that is called for many objects it's hard to go through all them and just check line by line. How can you more efficiently debug lots of code?

Extending a Universal Windows Platform Media App

Both the MediaElement and Player Framework provide rich, on-screen elements for controlling media playback. Here's how to use a Universal Windows Platform app to use both the System Media Transport Controls and Cortana to provide an alternative, more integrated player experience.

Use Constants and Enums to Improve Readability (and Reduce Maintenance)

If you're not using Const and Enums then you're just making life harder for the next programmer.

3 Ways to Manage Dependent Classes in the .NET Framework

Once you start implementing current design practices, you'll find that your typical object consists of a lot of other objects.

Tricks with Goto in Visual Basic and C#

Goto statements, whether they're used in Visual Basic or C#, can be confounding as to their purpose in some contexts.

October Surprise: Azure Developer Updates

Fresh from Ignite, the Azure teams have been on a DevOps-heavy kick with a number of new tools for managing Azure services.

Templates and Extensions for Xamarin & Mono

Cross-platform software development has come a long way. Here's a roundup of tools, templates and plug-ins for .NET coding that targets Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS -- even Raspberry Pi and Lego.

Make Your Code Faster with noexcept

That noexcept keyword is tricky, but just know that if you use it, your coding world will spin faster.

Best Practices for Loosely Coupled Classes

In an object-oriented world you create flexible applications by combining objects. You'll want to keep those objects loosely coupled, though, so that a change in one class doesn't force you to rewrite every class. Here's how to keep them loosely coupled.

Results Are in -- the Sign Test Using R

The R language can be used to perform a sign test, which is handy for comparing "before and after" data.

Leveraging TypeScript When Working with IndexedDB

TypeScript might change the way you design an application that uses IndexedDB.

How Helper Variables Can Simplify Debugging

If the data you work with is complex and hard to understand, it's easy to get stuck on them when debugging. Add helper variables to make data much simpler to use and comprehend.

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