
Tips for Creating Windows Phone Apps Using Blend for Visual Studio 2015

Nick looks at the preview release of Blend for Visual Studio 2015 and demonstrates some tips and tricks that will save you time and help you build better looking Windows Phone applications.

Hired Help for the Holidays

To accommodate an influx of year-end work, Guillaume's employer does what many stores do -- hire on temporary help. However, when you're desperate, beggars can't always be choosers.

11 Visual Studio Tools to Simplify Data Access

If wrangling queries is getting you down, these 11 data access extensions for Visual Studio can help.

Creating a Master/Detail Page with Backbone and TypeScript

There are two strategies for downloading multiple objects from your service with Backbone: The obvious one and the fast one. Peter implements the fast one.

Polyglot Apps for iOS, Android and Beyond

Did you know you can combine C#, F#, Visual Basic, Razor, HTML and JavaScript within a single app?

How To Refactor for Dependency Injection, Part 7: Using the Managed Extensibility Framework

The Microsoft MEF can be used for dependency injection, but it does it much differently than most other containers. See how to get the most from the unique features of MEF.

Performing Multiple Actions from a Single ASP.NET MVC Form

Peter responds to a question: How, in an ASP.NET MVC form, can the user be given two submit Buttons that do two different things?

Unit Testing Makes Me Happy

Integrating unit testing into your coding practices can have some positive psychological effects on your programming career.

Leveraging Reactive Extensions for Asynchronous Processing

Reactive Extensions will let you catch interim results from a long running process. Coupled with the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 support for asynchronous processing, you don't even have to lock up your client while you process those results.

Use Python with Your Neural Networks

A neural network implementation can be a nice addition to a Python programmer's skill set. If you're new to Python, examining a neural network implementation is a great way to learn the language.

Out of Time

It’s crunch time for Ben and his team. After a long journey, their project to uplift their biggest client’s application code is nearly at an end. Hopefully they didn’t miss anything ...

ASP.NET MVC 5.1 New Features, Part 2: Bootstrap Integration

ASP.NET MVC 5.1 has new HTML helpers that can be used to ease Bootstrap integration, as well as enum data type binding.

Build Network-Aware Windows Phone Apps with Azure Mobile Services and Background Tasks

Here's how to build a Windows Phone application that synchronizes data with Azure Mobile Services, triggered when the device restores its network connection.

The Myth of Responsive Design

Peter explains why he doesn't believe in "responsive designs" that allow a single application to work in both the desktop and mobile environments.

Support Updates in a Page with TypeScript and Backbone

Peter extends his Backbone/Typescript application to support updating and deleting Customer objects. Along the way he discovers what looks like a bug in the way that Backbone and TypeScript work together.

ASP.NET MVC 5.1 New Features, Part 1: Attribute Routing

Eric Vogel covers some of the new features in ASP.NET MVC 5.1. In this first of a two-part series, he takes a good, long look at some new attribute routing options.

How to Refactor for Dependency Injection, Part 6: Binding by Convention

Explicitly setting all the bindings needed to compose your application -- that's a lot of work! See how to use convention over configuration to save time and make your composition easier to understand.

Xamarin Tools: Components, Components, Components!

The Xamarin tool ecosystem is gaining popularity, as more developers continue to build tools with mobility in mind. Here's how to use them in your projects.

14 Tools and Extensions for Web App Development

Web development is easier when you've got the right tools at hand. Here are 14 tools and extensions for building Web apps.

Writing Cleaner Code with Reactive Extensions

When you have a process that can return multiple results over time, then .NET Framework Reactive Extensions will let you simplify your code and manage it better.

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