
The Heisenberg Developer

There’s a potential security exploit that ASP.NET MVC leaves you open to. However, in Peter’s opinion, all the proposed solutions miss the point.

Leveraging the HTTP Header Location

There's more to RESTful services than just using the HTTP verbs. You should also be leveraging the Location header and status code, for example.

An Encryption Strategy

Encrypting data that you want stored in your View and returned to you when the user clicks the Submit button has its own special problems. Here’s a complete solution and, as a bonus, an Encryption object you can use anywhere.

Extracting Data with Regular Expressions

Regular expressions give Tim Patrick the creeps, but he overcame his fears by discovering specially crafted regex patterns can access data in a way that’s actually kind of cool.

22 New Tools and Extensions for Visual Studio 2017

Summer is coming to a close, and there's a new class of Visual Studio tools and extensions available specifically for the latest release, Visual Studio 2017.

Working with JSON in SQL Queries

SQL Server 2016 lets you treat JSON objects like rows in a table, allowing you to use data from AJAX queries in joins, updates and any other SQL statement you can think of.

Implementing Default Behavior in an ASP.NET MVC Controller

If there's something you want to do every time an Action method is called in a Controller, there's an easy way to achieve that. It may even be a best practice.

Returning Simple Strings from Action Methods

When you want to return a string result -- either as text, HTML or XML -- then a ContentResult object gives you the right balance of simplicity and control.

Unit Testing AJAX Calls to an ASP.NET MVC Controller

Sometimes what you want to test is how your Action method behaves when it's invoked through an AJAX call. Here's how to mock up that call using Moq.

The Future of Programming

If you’ve been programming long enough, then you know that the "right way to do things" keeps changing. Here’s why, a description of where we are now and a guess about where we’re going.

Quick Tip: Read the Inner Exception!

That's often where the real problem is.

Your First Angular App: Events and Updating

Peter completes his walk-through of creating a simple Angular app with TypeScript by responding to events, accepting data from the user and updating data back at the server with an AJAX call.

LocalDB: The Database Without a Connection String

If you just want to get going with a code-first database, you don't even need to define a connection string -- just write your objects.

Exploiting the Validation Tools in ASP.NET MVC

Your users will make mistakes ... but it would be a mistake to treat all their errors the same way. You can get more out of ASP.NET MVC's validation infrastructure just by paying attention to how you name your errors.

Returning JSON from SQL Server Queries

With JSON now the default format for moving data between clients and servers, SQL Server adds JSON support to make it easier to get your data out of the database and down to the client.

Windows Forms: Don't Skimp on the Caps Lock Warning

If you've ever worked in an enterprise environment and fielded calls from employees unable to get into their accounts due to a depressed Caps Lock key, you know how essential the following tweak to your code can be.

Programming the Internet of Things with Visual Studio

Internet-connected devices in every home and Windows on every device? We're getting there, and you can develop for most of these IoT devices in Visual Studio.

Neural Network Momentum Using Python

With the help of Python and the NumPy add-on package, I'll explain how to implement back-propagation training using momentum.

Looking Ahead to Xamarin.Forms 3.0

From performance improvements to new platforms, here’s a look at what’s coming down the road for Xamarin.Forms developers.

Will Blazor Save .NET Developers from 'the Insanity of JavaScript'?

Question: Is Microsoft working on .NET targeting WebAssembly so that we can get delivered from the insanity of JavaScript? Answer: Yes.

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