SQL Server and SDS

Creating the Right Database Initializer for Entity Framework

If you want to treat your database design as an "implementation detail" that just falls out of getting your object model right, then Entity Framework gives you four choices. Picking the right one, however, may mean creating your own.

ASP.NET Core: Learning the Ropes, Part 3

Eric Vogel uses code samples and screenshots to demonstrate how to create and use the views and controller for an ASP.NET MVC Core CRUD application.

Visual Studio Code Gets HDInsight Tools for Big Data Analytics

Microsoft announced HDInsight Tools for Visual Studio Code is now generally available, letting coders do Big Data analytics right from within the cross-platform, open source code editor.

Self-Organizing Maps Using Python

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses a full project code sample and screenshots to detail how to use Python to work with self-organizing maps (SOM), which let you investigate the structure of a set of data.

Image Classification Using Keras

Creating a custom image classification model is challenging, but the existence of neural network libraries like Keras has made it doable. Here's how, with many code samples and a full project download.

Enabling Enterprise AI for Everyone with SQL Server

Microsoft believes artificial intelligence is so powerful it should be "democratized" so organizations and developers of all types can use it to transform and improve their business practices.

ASP.NET Core: Learning the Ropes, Part 2

Eric Vogel provides many code samples to show how to use Entity Framework Core for an ASP.NET Core MVC application.

Sentiment Analysis Using Keras

Custom sentiment analysis is hard, but neural network libraries like Keras with built-in LSTM (long, short term memory) functionality have made it feasible. Step into the Data Science Lab with Dr. McCaffrey to find out how, with full code examples.

Developers Request, and Get, Database Project for SQL Data Warehouse in Visual Studio

Promising that developers can "save weeks of development effort," Microsoft today answered their request for database project support in Visual Studio to target Azure SQL Data Warehouse projects.

Subqueries in LINQ

If someone tells you that LINQ doesn't support subqueries ... well, they're not wrong. But they're also not entirely correct, either. With LINQ you can meet many of the goals of SQL subqueries including the ability to build complex queries out of simpler ones.

New VS Code Extension: 'One-Stop Shop for Data Scientists'

A Visual Studio Code extension developed by a student is receiving a lot of buzz for its intention to serve as a "one-stop shop for data scientists."

What's New in Azure Data Studio (Formerly SQL Operations Studio)

The October release of Azure Data Studio includes preview support for SQL Server 2019 and more.

Q-Learning Using Python

The Data Science Doctor explains how to use the reinforcement learning branch of machine learning with the Q-learning approach, providing code on how to solve a maze problem for an easy-to-understand example.

The Fastest Data Access Possible with Compiled Procs

If, in your "need for speed," you're looking to access and update your data as fast as possible, you can get to that goal by combining memory-optimized tables with compiled procs.

Speed Up Your Application with SQL Server In-Memory Tables

If screaming speed in data access is the most important thing in your life, SQL Server's durable in-memory, memory-optimized tables are your answer. They were good in SQL Server 2014 and they're even better in SQL Server 2016, 2017 and Azure.

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