SQL Server and SDS

Even SQL Server Developer Tools Gets an AI Copilot

Microsoft, apparently trying to enhance every product it has with an AI-powered Copilot, announced a new one for the latest release of SQL Server Developer Tools (SSDT) in Visual Studio.

Microsoft Deep Learning Alternative: On-Device Training for ONNX Runtime

"As opposed to traditional deep learning (DL) model training, On-Device Training requires efficient use of compute and memory resources."

Gaussian Naive Bayes Classification Using the scikit Library

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research says the main advantage of using Gaussian naive Bayes classification compared to other techniques like decision trees or neural networks is that you don't have to fine tune model parameters.

.NET 8 Preview 4 Boosts Native AOT, Blazor 'Streaming Rendering'

Microsoft's fourth preview of .NET 8 continues to boost native native Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, while Blazor gets streaming component rendering.

Classification Using the scikit k-Nearest Neighbors Module

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses a full-code, step-by-step demo to predict the species of a wheat seed based on seven predictor variables such as seed length, width and perimeter.

Regression Using a scikit MLPRegressor Neural Network

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses a full-code, step-by-step demo to show how to predict the annual income of a person based on their sex, age, state where they live and political leaning.

Multinomial Naive Bayes Classification Using the scikit Library

A full-code demo from Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research shows how to predict the type of a college course by analyzing grade counts for each type of course.

Entity Framework Performance Monitoring and Tuning with Jim Wooley

Object Relational Mapping (ORM) technologies like Entity Framework can drastically simplify the programming model against databases, but when done carelessly, performance can suffer.

Q&A with Ken Muse: Designing Azure Modern Data Warehouse Solutions

The Modern Data Warehouse (MDW) pattern makes it easier than ever to deal with the increasing volume of enterprise data by enabling massive, global-scale writes operations while making the information instantly available for reporting and insights.

New for Devs in SQL Server 2022: Ledger for Blockchain-Backed Security

The new ledger feature in SQL Server 2022 provides blockchain-based security to ensure data isn't tampered with.

AI-Powered 'Data Wrangler' VS Code Tool Eases Prep Work for Data Scientists

A new tool that can generate code is being previewed in the Visual Studio Code Insiders channel seeks to ease the tedious data preparation process that data scientists need to go through to get good data for successful analysis projects.

.NET 8 Preview 2: QuickGrid, WebAssembly Boost for Blazor

Blazor QuickGrid is "built to be a simple and convenient way to display your data, while still providing powerful features like sorting, filtering, paging and virtualization."

Simple Numerical Optimization Using an Evolutionary Algorithm with C#

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research says that when quantum computing becomes generally available, evolutionary algorithms for training huge neural networks could become a very important and common technique.

Motherboard Image

Regression Using PyTorch New Best Practices, Part 2: Training, Accuracy, Predictions

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research updates regression techniques and best practices guidance based on experience over the past two years, reflecting rapid advancements in machine learning with deep neural techniques.

Regression Using PyTorch, Part 1: New Best Practices

Machine learning with deep neural techniques has advanced quickly, so Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research updates regression techniques and best practices guidance based on experience over the past two years.

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