In-Depth Features

Popping Off About Mobile App Development: Q&A with PopCap's Plamen Dragozov

Popcap's director of mobile engineering talks about the pros and cons of developing its games for the three top smartphone platforms: iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7.

Developer Hell: The Top 10 'Daily WTFs'

Sit back, relax and revel in the joy that you weren't involved in these 10 projects.

Unit Testing and ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET MVC and test-driven development show the future of delivering reliable applications. While Visual Studio 2010 enables you to integrate server-side testing into ASP.NET development, client-side testing presents a challenge.

Microsoft How-To: Scrum for Everyone

Working with the Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 1.0 process template.

Q&A: iPhone Development on MonoTouch

MonoTouch developer and book author Wallace McClure discusses the evolving arena of Mono-based application development for the iPhone.

Cover Story: Get Ready for the Entity Framework

The industrial-strength Microsoft ORM is finally ready for prime time. Are you?

Lab Management in Visual Studio2010

Visual Studio Lab Management promises to streamline thorny debug and test challenges by enabling an efficient, virtualized test environment.

SQL Server 2008 R2 for the Developer

Microsoft extends its enterprise-capable database platform with powerful new management and scalability features -- and there's plenty in the latest rev for developers.

Microsoft PowerPivot: Making Excel Analytics Work

A new component in SQL Server 2008 R2 gives users the autonomy to set up business intelligence functionality in Excel without taking control of the process away from IT.

Windows 95 Reaches Its 15th Birthday

This week marks Windows 95's birthday, with the venerable operating system turning 15 years old.

Exploit Multi-Core Processors with .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010

If you want to take advantage of the power of multi-core machines, you need to start creating applications with parallel processing using PLINQ, the Task Parallel Library and the new features of Visual Studio 2010.

Debugging Applications with IntelliTrace

The new IntelliTrace feature in Visual Studio 2010 promises to eliminate the pernicious scourge of "no repro" bugs by giving developers a detailed view of what happened during execution when a bug was filed. Here's how you can get started with IntelliTrace.

Q&A: Microsoft's Lisa Feigenbaum Talks About C#

Microsoft's community program manager for the Visual Studio Managed Languages Team talks about the new capabilities in C# 4 and what we can expect going forward.

Load Testing with Visual Studio 2010

In part 2 of his series on Web performance testing and load testing in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, Ben Day explains how to set up a load test rig to determine how well your application performs with multiple users.

Build Your Own 'Skunk Works' Business Intelligence Project with SQL

How to use SQL Server to build a business intelligence (BI) platform without getting your organization's top brass involved.

Visual Studio 2010: Enabling ALM

Visual Studio 2010 seriously raised the bar for application lifecycle management. From test and debug to team-based collaboration and project management, here's an in-depth look at the improved tooling.

Happy Birthday .NET Framework!

OPINION: It's been ten years since .NET Framework was launched at the 2000 PDC.

Five Tips to Improve LINQ to SQL Performance

LINQ to SQL is a powerful technology that can do as much harm as good if it is mis-used. Here is how to get more out of your LINQ to SQL efforts.

What's New in C# and .NET 4

Patrick Steele looks at the enhancements in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4 that will make your C# development more productive.

Vendors Support VS2010 Release

Microsoft's sim-ship program has helped more than 90 third-party vendors update products for Visual Studio 2010. In some cases, those vendors are helping Microsoft fill crucial gaps.

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