Portable Class Libraries create a single DLL that can be used across platforms, making code sharing easier. Learn how to use them by building a weather app with a portable core.
- By Greg Shackles
- 02/21/2014
Evolutionary optimization (EO) is a type of genetic algorithm that can help minimize the error between computed output values and training data target output values. Use this demo program to learn to the method.
- By James McCaffrey
- 02/18/2014
Visual Studio 2013 has many new features; which ones are the most important? Here are the first six that promise to improve your productivity the greatest (more coming next month!)
- By Deborah Kurata
- 02/14/2014
Sometimes you can improve your application's response time by shunting some activities to offline processing -- sending an e-mail response, for instance. Here's how to use Microsoft Message Queue (available on both your development and production computers) to simplify the process.
Incorporate the free database library with these easy, step-by-step directions.
ASP.NET MVC filters can be defined once and used in multiple places. Because ASP.NET MVC also provides the ability to create custom filters, it's good practice to learn how to make them and use them in your own projects.
Like riding a bike, knowledge of regular expressions will stay with you forever, allowing you to manipulate text quickly and easily. In this part of the series, Ondrej focuses in on groups, positioning and tools.
- By Ondrej Balas
- 02/05/2014
There are numerous ways to implement a fluent API, depending on the degree of control you want to maintain over the API, how many classes you want to be able to use it with, and how you want to extend your API. Here are your options.
Wally walks you through the two controls you can use to easily navigate your iOS apps.
- By Wallace McClure
- 01/24/2014
Peter walks through a simple Web page that retrieves and updates data on the server to summarize his best practices for creating the client-side portion of an ASP.NET application.
Understanding data encoding and normalization is an absolutely essential skill when working with neural networks. James McCaffrey walks you through what you need to know to get started.
- By James McCaffrey
- 01/15/2014
Nick Randolph walks through adding analytics to your Windows Phone application using Application Insights for Visual Studio Online.
- By Nick Randolph
- 01/13/2014
Regular expressions are like power tools: They may look scary, but are easy to use once you understand their basic building blocks.
- By Ondrej Balas
- 01/09/2014
You can't "grow" a fluent API; you need to understand how developers will need (and expect) to use your API. Here's a case study of what the design process for a fluent API looks like.
Once you've delivered server-side objects to your client, you're going to need to manage them. Here's how to integrate a powerful client-side (and server-side) object manager into your application using TypeScript.
Go inside the protocol that's the backbone for today's modern, cloud-based applications.
- By Patrick Steele
- 12/23/2013
Peter continues to look at the value of imposing naming conventions on developers; but this time, he looks at the benefits related to understanding the business problem, as well as why flexibility is crucial.
Mark Michaelis walks you through the Visual Studio tooling and project setup you'll need to get the most out of your JavaScript unit testing.
- By Mark Michaelis
- 12/19/2013
Although mathematically elegant, back-propagation isn't perfect. Instead consider using particle swarm optimization (PSO) to train your neural network; here's how.
- By James McCaffrey
- 12/18/2013
Apple's latest mobile operating system is chock full of developer goodies. Learn about some of the best ones, and how to build them with C# and Xamarin.
- By Wallace McClure
- 12/17/2013
Do you hate the 259-character filename limit in some Windows file systems? So does Kenny. Here's a way to eliminate it and free your application and users from the restriction.
Mickey looks at the changes to static code analysis since Visual Studio 2010.
- By Mickey Gousset
- 12/13/2013
Learn how to cluster your numeric data using the k-means algorithm in this step-by-step guide.
- By James McCaffrey
- 12/10/2013
Here's how to implement a fluent API for a single class that supports the goals of fluent interfaces.
From Peek Definitions to scroll bar customization, here are eight of the most helpful features you'll want to explore in Visual Studio 2013.
- By Ondrej Balas
- 12/09/2013