How To

No Comment, Part 3: Writing 'Really Obvious Code'

Peter looks at how rewriting some complex code -- purely to make it easier to read -- eliminates the need for writing comments. He even adds a comment to some code.

States, Navigation and Testing with Portable Class Libraries for Windows Phone

How to manage visual states, and perform navigation and testing of your view models from within a Windows Phone PCL.

What's New in Windows 8.1 Background Tasks

A look at the improvements and new features of the updated collection of background APIs.

Building and Testing a View Model in TypeScript

Peter Vogel continues to build out a TypeScript project by defining a view model. Along the way he looks at defining interfaces, setting up constructors, creating optional parameters and initializing arrays in TypeScript.

ASP.NET MVC 5 Authentication Filters

Learn how to use the new Authentication filters in ASP.NET MVC 5, currently in developer preview.

Leveraging Claims-Based Security in ASP.NET 4.5

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 support for claims-based security can make your existing authorization system more powerful and flexible, even if you never intend to start working with third-party security providers. Plus, it's backward-compatible with virtually all of the authorization code you're already using.

Unit Test Your iOS Apps

Learn how to write both code and tests that can be shared across multiple platforms.

Test-driven Development with Visual Studio 2012: Part 2

In Part 2 of his column, Mickey Gousset dives deeper into the Test Explorer window.

Run ASP.NET Web API Inside Your Application

ASP.NET Web API is a solid communications framework, and many applications can benefit from breaking free of IIS by including an embedded ASP.NET Web API server.

Visual Studio Tip: Close the Windows You Want

When you have too many Editor windows open, you can pick which Windows you don't need any more and close them all with a single click.

The Observer Pattern in .NET

The Observer Pattern is the foundation of Model View Controller (MVC) development. In this article, you'll learn how to use it by building a simple email application.

Neural Network Back-Propagation Using C#

Understanding how back-propagation works will enable you to use neural network tools more effectively.

JavaScript Data Binding with Knockout.js

Get powerful, client-side data binding in JavaScript using Knockout.

Design Time Data with Windows Phone and Windows 8

Windows Phone tooling is more advanced than that for Windows 8. But savvy developers can use that to their advantage when building Windows Store apps.

Security Considerations and Best Practices for WCF 4 Apps

The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) framework can be vulnerable to phishing and other attacks. Learn how to protect it with these tactics.

Windows 8 Contracts and Extensions: Search

Don't re-invent the wheel when building your Windows 8 apps. Instead, save coding time by using (and customizing) the Search contract to add this critical piece of functionality.

Using the C++ Spell Checking API

Learn how to add spell checking to your applications.

VSM Goes Responsive, Part 3: Cross-Browser Support for Responsive Design

Rodrigo Munoz walks you through how to fix two of the most challenging Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 7 responsive design bugs: media queries and box-sizing.

Step-By-Step Test-Driven-Development with Visual Studio 2012: Part 1

Test-driven development has been enhanced with Visual Studio 2012; learn how to use this powerful tool by building a class library for math functions.

Architecting Code in the Presentation Layer

Building your applications so that each part does just one job well makes everything easier. Peter Vogel applies that approach to a Windows Forms app and, in addition to getting it to work, creates a more responsive application.

Async Actions in ASP.NET MVC 4

Learn how to use asynchronous controller actions in ASP.NET MVC 4 by building a simple Contacts Manager app.

Neural Network Data Normalization and Encoding

James McCaffrey explains how to normalize and encode neural network data from a developer's point of view.

Mapping and Location with Mono for Android

Google has replaced MapView with MapFragment for adding mapping and location in Android. Learn what the new API can do, and how to use it.

Generating Distinct, Random Array Indices

James McCaffrey demonstrates the brute-force, Fisher-shuffle and reservoir-sampling techniques.

What's New in TypeScript 0.9

The latest version of TypeScript adds generics but there's more in the package than that. Peter looks at what's new.

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