Although Windows 8 and Windows Phone share the same core, building an app for both isn't as easy as you might think.
- By Nick Randolph
- 01/05/2013
Nick Randolph dissects Windows Phone 8 as a platform for application and enterprise developers.
- By Nick Randolph
- 01/04/2013
Part 1 of this article introduced four new T-SQL functions available in SQL Server 2012. Part 2 has the rest.
Creating connectable Web Parts is a good thing for you and your users -- and the default interfaces that come with SharePoint form the architecture you should use to create those Web Parts.
The latest version of SQL Server expands its capabilities. Here are four new things developers can do with it.
Eric Vogel covers how to use the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) to extend a Windows Store application.
Learn how to use the Fragments API in Mono for Android to create an application UI for multiple screens, such as a handset and tablet.
- By Wallace McClure
- 12/13/2012
A free tool to reduce coding for developers who like to surface T-SQL database recordsets in a simple collection of customized POCO objects.
The IWebPartParameters interface provides a flexible way for one WebPart to select the data it wants from another WebPart. And, since implementing that interface doesn't require much code, you should consider using it on all your WebParts.
Because SharePoint lists are automatically turned into connectable Web Parts, you can integrate your own Web Parts with any existing SharePoint list by implementing the default interfaces provided by SharePoint.
How to use the new Windows Phone 8 SDK to build applications across both Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8.
- By Nick Randolph
- 11/30/2012
The .NET 4.5 Framework includes some changes to the typical reflection use cases. Most importantly, the Type object has been split into two separate classes: Type and TypeInfo. Find out how and when to use each.
.NET and Java developers are perplexed about the indiscreet way C++ discloses private class details. Pimpl (pointer-to-implementation) solves this problem by keeping secrets hidden from peepers.
Learn how Visual Studio 2012 makes exploratory testing quick and easy.
- By Mickey Gousset
- 11/27/2012
Custom proximity search, a new feature in SQL Server 2012 Full-Text Search, is facilitated using the NEAR operator.
Importing a snippet into Visual Studio and then using the snippet is a snap.
Peter finishes up his discussion of using the Fakes Framework with TDD in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate by looking at mocking properties and why you'd want to pass a shim as parameters.
In Part 3 of this series, Eric Vogel covers how to implement user-level authorization and push notifications using an Azure Mobile Service.
Using shims in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate lets you easily bypass code—no matter how deeply buried—to test just the parts of your application that you want to test.
A priority queue assigns a priority to each element. Knowing how to build them is important in solving many coding problems.
- By James McCaffrey
- 11/02/2012
Use the LongListSelector control to conveniently display large amounts of data in your mobile apps.
- By Nick Randolph
- 11/01/2012
ASP.NET provides a wealth of options for dynamically integrating JavaScript into your client-side pages. And by adding T4 into the mix, you can generate, at runtime, exactly the client-side code that your page needs.
Much emphasis has been placed on the new async capabilities in C# 5.0. However, there are smaller smaller -- but still useful -- features of which you may not be aware.
- By Patrick Steele
- 11/01/2012
Data-binding parameters that you can use when wiring up the contents of your Windows Phone application.
- By Nick Randolph
- 10/29/2012
FileTables, a new feature introduced in SQL Server 2012, is a unique table that reflects metadata of files in a specified folder.