How To

Simplify WCF Development by Hosting a WCF Service Library in an ASP.NET Project

Develop and test in a WCF Service Library project while hosting your application in an ASP.NET project.

Posting Data to ASP.NET Sites with the ASP.NET Web API

Peter returns to the ASP.NET Web API in Visual Studio 2012 to use it with ASP.NET. And this time, he's moving complete objects from the client up to the server in an HTTP POST.

Improved Permutations with the BigInteger Data Type

The major challenge when working with permutations is that the factorial function gets very, very large very, very quickly. The BigInteger data type was introduced in the .NET Framework 4.0; it enables the writing of effective permutation code.

Metro Apps with HTML5

If you're an experienced Web developer, you'll love the HTML5/JavaScript/CSS3 options provided by Visual Studio 2012. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting started.

Semantic Zoom with Silverlight 5 PivotViewer

The Silverlight 5 PivotViewer allows you to create unique and interactive data visualizations for your users. Find out how to effectively use this technology and incorporate semantic zoom into your data collections.

Ensuring WCF Routing Flexibility

Windows Communication Foundation routing lets you decouple your service consumers and providers to give you the flexibility to modify and extend your services without disrupting your clients.

Aspect-Oriented Programming with PostSharp

Aspect-oriented programming has the potential to help every developer write higher-quality code in less time. Here's how to declaratively apply custom methods implementing common functionality to your code.

A .NET 4.5 Parallel Dataflow Primer

The Task Parallel Dataflow (TDF) library helps developers tackle complex parallel use cases.

Animating Windows Phone Listbox Items

Adding visual states and animation to your Listboxes can juice up your Windows Phone app.

Getting Started with Team Foundation Services

Part 1 in a series for learning how to use Microsoft's cloud-based version of Team Foundation Server.

Develop Faster with Customized Visual Studio Templates

Visual Basic and C# developers can eliminate repetition by customizing the project and item templates in Visual Studio.

Communicating Between Views in WPF and Prism

As you navigate between one View and another using Prism's Navigation API, you'll need to pass data between your Views. Here are the tools you need.

Building a Camera App in Mono for Android

The Android SDK provides the ability to use the built-in camera within your applications. Whether applying photo filters and creating the next Instagram, scanning QR codes, or simply allowing the user to share what they're seeing with friends, Android's camera API takes care of the hard work for you.

More C++ Classes: Copy and Move Semantics

From a purely object-oriented perspective, "copy semantics" is the right way to preserve control over object ownership. But in those scenarios where ownership becomes irrelevant, C++11 "move semantics" is an efficient complement.

The New Read-Only Collections in .NET 4.5

Eric Vogel covers some practical uses for the long awaited interfaces, IReadOnlyList and IReadOnlyDictionary in .NET Framework 4.5.

Navigating Between Views in WPF and Prism

Prism's Navigation API makes it a lot easier to swap Views in and out of regions in your Window -- assuming you give Prism enough information to do the job right.

Secondary Live Tiles in Windows Phone

Secondary Live Tiles enable an application to utilize both sides of a tile, delivering twice the information.

Multiple Item Templates in Windows Phone

How to use a template selector to dynamically select which item template to use for each list item.

New Views on Windows 8 Metro-Style Development

FlipView, ListView and GridView are new controls for Windows 8 Metro-style applications. They'll become key tools for building great-looking UIs.

Performance Tips for Asynchronous Development in C#

Visual Studio Async is a powerful development framework, but it's important to understand how it works to avoid performance hits.

Tighten up Your Visual Basic Code with Lambda Expressions

See how lambda expressions enhance a common programming scenario.

Improved Combinations with the BigInteger Data Type

If your app requires the creation and manipulation of combinations of objects, the BigInteger structure in the Microsoft .NET Framework can offer huge advantages to combination functions.

Managing WPF and Prism Modules

Windows Presentation Foundation with Prism and Unity makes assembling applications at runtime from loosely coupled Modules easy -- provided you don't have competing Modules and don't need to communicate between them. Here's how to solve those two problems.

Better Windows Phone Web Browsing

Learn how to automate the WebBrowser control to display and customize the way Web content appears in your Windows Phone application.

Advanced Live Tiles, Part 3: Lock Screens

How to use lock screen badge and tile notifications in your Windows 8 application.

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