How To

Using the Team Foundation Administration Console

Mickey Gousset walks through the improved Administration Console in Visual Studio TFS 2010.

Windows Phone 7: Building a YouTube Search App

New VSM columnist Nick Randolph kicks off his Mobile Corner column by showing how to build a YouTube search app using Visual Studio 2010 and Expression Blend.

6 MVVM Tips: Leverage ViewModel and Unit Test Silverlight and WP7 Apps

The Microsoft Model-View-ViewModel pattern is an indispensable tool for developing applications for Silverlight, Windows Phone 7 and Windows Presentation Foundation. Benjamin Day helps you avoid architectural pitfalls and create unit-testable and maintainable applications.

Using Expression Trees in Your APIs

How to translate C# code into expression trees to eliminate strings, standardize parameter validations and interact with other data structures.

Improve Authentication with Windows Identity Foundation

Windows Identity Foundation turns authentication over to token servers, reducing demands on developers while preparing the way for a service-oriented world. It also integrates with the authorization mechanisms you're already using.

The Logic Behind Modern Maintenance

When the big merger was announced, the IT staff of both corporations was a little bit nervous, and with good reason: The day after the announcement, many redundant positions were eliminated.

Why You Really Should Be Using LINQ

Peter Vogel introduces a new column on application development in the real world, and begins by advocating for Language Integrated Query.

Not Using LINQ Yet? Here's a Few Reasons Why.

Peter Vogel introduces a new column on application development in the real world, and begins by advocating for Language Integrated Query.

Welcome to Mobile Corner: The Windows Phone Ecosystem

Nick Randolph continues his introduction to Windows Phone 7 development with a look at some of the tools and resources available to developers.

Surfacing the Visual Basic Templates in WebMatrix

WebMatrix is an exciting new tool for creating ASP.NET Web applications. Unfortunately, Visual Basic developers face an additional challenge because Microsoft only surfaces C# templates. Here's how to get access to the VB templates.

Asynchronous Programming in .NET: I'll Call You Back

VSM Web columnist Eric Vogel kicks off his first C# Corner installment with a walk through creating an application using asynchronous programming.

Manage In-Progress Code with TFS Shelvesets

Mickey goes through an example of shelvesets and why they are a nice feature in Team Foundation Server.

Productivity Enhancements in ASP.NET MVC 3

Peter Vogel takes a look at Razor and the productivity gains in generating views that ASP.NET MVC 3 provides to developers.

Welcome to Mobile Corner and Windows Phone 7

VSM columnist Nick Randolph kicks off his new Mobile Corner column with an introduction to Windows Phone 7 development and a look back at the origins of Microsoft's new mobile platform.

Failure's Secret Sauce: Poor Project Management

On VB columnist Joe Kunk says coding errors can lead to trouble, but the vast majority of big mistakes are due to poor or misguided project management.

Free Tool for TFS Work Item Visualization

Mickey Gousset introduces us to a new, free tool for visualizing work item information in Team Foundation Server 2010, providing state visualization, work item analysis and dependency analysis.

My Biggest ASP.NET Programming Mistake

VSM columnist Peter Vogel builds an ASP.NET application that is too clever by half, and finds himself at odds with the very environment he is supposed to be leveraging.

Kathleen Dollard Delves into ASP.NET MVC 3

This month's Ask Kathleen column answers your questions about the new Razor view engine in Microsoft's Model-View-Controller framework. Part 1 of 2.

Build Big-Data Apps in SQL Azure with Federation

Get ready to scale out SQL Azure databases beyond today's 50GB limit with the Transact-SQL and ADO.NET elastic sharding features, which are coming in the 2011 SQL Azure Federation Community Technology Previews.

Get Started with Visual Basic Development for Windows Phone 7

Tips on Windows Phone 7 development and app design with sample code for a Windows Phone Pivot application.

Kathleen Dollard Digs Deeper into ASP.NET MVC 3

The second part of this month's Ask Kathleen column on MVC 3 looks at dependency injection and extending parts of the framework. Part 2 of 2.

Take Unit Testing to the Next Level

How to associate unit tests with requirements in Visual Studio 2010.

My Biggest C# Programming Mistake

C# Corner columnist Patrick Steele recounts an avoidable mistake he made during a transition from WebForms to ASP.NET MVC, and what he learned from his gaffe.

Drawing Conclusions from the jQuery Extensions

Peter Vogel wraps up his review of the jQuery extensions by waxing philosophical about what those extensions mean to the kind of tools that developers should expect.

TFS 2010 Reporting Using Microsoft Excel – Part 2

In the second part of this two-part series, Mickey Gousset shows how TFS 2010 lets users create Excel reports, including pivot tables and charts, from a work item query. The report can then be published and shared with other users.

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