How To

TFS 2010 Reporting Using Microsoft Excel – Part 1

TFS 2010 uses SQL Server Reporting Services to provide reports, but because it uses data warehouse and analysis services to store reporting information, users can roll their own. We examine how to use Microsoft Excel to access the Team Foundation Server OLAP cube to create a report.

Implementing Deletes with Template Event Handlers

Peter Vogel implements deletes for rows in a template by adding event handlers to the template. He also looks at a feature of the tmpl plugin that he wasn't able to shoehorn into his sample project. (Part 3 of 4)

Tips for Easier C# Unit Testing

C# Corner columnist Patrick Steele says writing unit tests can be a time-consuming chore. He looks at some approaches that can make writing unit tests easier and more efficient for C# programmers.

Supporting Updates with jQuery Data Linking

Peter extends his AJAX page with jQuery's new data linking technology. This supports letting the user make changes on the client that are passed back to a Web service that updates the database on the server.

My Biggest VB Programming Mistake

When "Oops!" becomes "OMG!" On VB columnist Joe Kunk shows how a simple oversight when using SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services (DTS) nearly ended in disaster.

Test Impact Analysis in Visual Studio 2010

Depending on the size of your code base, running unit tests every time a code change is made can be a daunting process. Test Impact Analysis in Visual Studio 2010 (Premium and Ultimate Editions) can speed up that process.

Displaying and Filtering Data with jQuery Templates

Building on the new jQuery extensions for displaying multiple rows, Peter builds a page that retrieves data from a Web Service based on the user's input -- and filters the data in the client as well.

C# Object Equality in .NET

Explore ways to override the default concepts of object equality, based on reference and value types, in the Microsoft .NET Framework.

MonoDroid Tutorial Part 2: Building a MonoDroid App

In the second part of this tutorial series, Wallace McClure walks you through the basics of creating a MonoDroid app.

How to Generate Code from a UML Model in Visual Studio 2010

The UML modeler is a powerful new tool, especially when it's backed with a code-generation system.

MonoDroid Tutorial Part 1: Introduction to MonoDroid

In the first part of this tutorial series, Wallace McClure walks you through what MonoDroid is and how .NET developers can use it to create Android apps.

Understanding the Dynamic Keyword in C# 4

The dynamic keyword brings exciting new features to C# 4. Find out how it works and why it simplifies a lot of your coding tasks, including some handy COM interop possibilities.

Developer Tips: Making the SharePoint Transition

ASP.NET developers can have trouble finding their way through the SharePoint maze, because much of what they know is wrong. Here's a baker's dozen of tips to lead you in the right direction.

The Factory Pattern in .NET (Part 3)

C# Corner columnist Patrick Steele concludes his exploration of factory patterns in .NET.

Setting Up for jQuery Templates

Peter Vogel prepares to try out the new jQuery templating/databinding functionality to create a simple AJAX-enabled page that allows the user to select a customer and retrieve from a Web service all the orders associated with that customer.

BigInteger for Astronomically Large Numbers

On VB columnist Joe Kunk explores the new BigInteger structure in .NET 4 and how it lets you work with astronomically large numbers.

Abstract and Delegate-based Factories in .NET

In part 2 of a series of columns on using factory patterns, Patrick Steele shows how factory patterns can be used to make your applications more flexible.

The Factory Pattern in .NET

Just as a car factory creates cars on an as-needed basis, we can create "factories" in our code to create objects for our applications' specific needs. In this first article of a series, we'll explain what the factory pattern is and how you can use it in your code to make your applications more flexible.

To Comment or Not to Comment

On VB columnist Joe Kunk explores the benefits and drawbacks of commenting source code, and finds that the answer is not as clear cut as many might think.

Measuring Test Effort Progress with EVM

An important part of a software testing -- or coding -- effort is the ability to measure progress. One way for doing this is a technique called Earned Value Management (EVM). Find out how easy it is to apply EVM to your own projects.

Using MEF to Expose Interfaces in Your Silverlight MVVM Apps

Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) lets you expose interfaces and classes in your Silverlight apps without having to expose the real implementation. See how it works.

Silverlight, Windows Phone 7 and the Multi-Touch Thumb

For many Silverlight programmers, the most exciting news about Windows Phone 7 is its support for Silverlight as one of its two programming interfaces (the other is XNA).

Improving ASP.NET Security with Visual Studio 2010 Code Analysis

Anyone doing ASP.NET development probably admits, openly or not, to introducing or stumbling upon a security issue at some point during their career.

Integrating AJAX and a Client-Side Grid in ASP.NET MVC

Peter completes his series on integrating AJAX and a client-side control by implementing it in ASP.NET MVC. And he draws some conclusions on client-side development in ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, and in the world at large.

Multithreading in WinForms

The .NET Framework has full support for running multiple threads at once. In this article, Patrick Steele looks at how threads accomplish their task and why you need to be careful how you manage a WinForms application with multiple threads.

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