.NET Framework

Microsoft Ships Last Preview of .NET 7 Before Release Candidate

Microsoft today (Aug. 9) shipped .NET 7 Preview 7, the final preview before it hits Release Candidate stage in advance of a Nov. 10 debut.

VS 2022 for Mac Alternative: Parallels Desktop 18 for Mac & VS Plugin

With Microsoft facing tough challenges in bringing Visual Studio 2022 for Mac up to parity with its Windows cousin, a new alternative just shipped: Parallels Desktop 18 for Mac.

.NET Community Toolkit 8.0 Goes GA

After multiple previews, Microsoft shipped .NET Community Toolkit 8.0 almost exactly one year after it released v7.1 of its precursor, Windows Community Toolkit.

New '.NET Data Hub' Is One-Stop-Shop for .NET Data Handling

"A new .NET Data landing page will help .NET developers quickly navigate to the area of interest."

Devs Reviving Winamp Struggled with Visual Studio 2008 to 2019 Upgrade

News emerged last week that famed Windows media player Winamp had been revived after four years of work by developers, whose biggest challenge was upgrading the project from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2019.

AWS Announces Visual Studio 2022 on EC2, and Lambda TypeScript Tools

Amazon Web Services (AWS) continues to nod to Microsoft-centric developers, most recently announcing Visual Studio 2022 on Amazon EC2, along with AWS Lambda Powertools for TypeScript.

The LogBeta and LogGamma Functions Using C#

With no built-in functions for classical statistics analyses in the .NET library, Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research explains how to roll your own from scratch.

Microsoft Pumps Out Weekly VS 2022 Previews, Open Sources SBOM Tool

As July winded down, Microsoft started pumping out weekly previews of Visual Studio 2022 v17.3, along with open sourcing a tool to generate a software bill of materials (SBOM), instrumental to government cybersecurity best practices guidance.

Microsoft Tests Tutorials Inside Visual Studio, Starting with Blazor

You have a 50/50 shot at accessing a new experiment from the Visual Studio dev team that integrates tutorials with the IDE for an experience that combines guidance with live code.

'Visual Studio for Linux?' Tops Microsoft Q&A Site

Thousands of developers have made the ask over the past four years or so.

Blazor MVC Revives Old Tech for Modern, Red-Hot Web-Dev Framework

With ASP.NET MVC out of active development in favor of ASP.NET Core, one developer is reviving the old MVC tech for application in one of the hottest projects in Microsoft's new open source, cross-platform "Core" world: Blazor.

Uno Platform Enlisted for Windows Community Toolkit Labs Makeover

Microsoft has teamed with Uno Platform to revamp its Windows Community Toolkit, a collection of helpers, extensions and custom controls for building UWP and .NET apps for Windows.

White and Blue Boxes Graphic

Lightweight Mathematical Combinations Using C#

After previously discussing permutations, Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses step-by-step examples and full code presentations to explore combinations.

Azure Developer CLI in Public Preview

A developer-oriented, get-started-on-Azure command-line tool from Microsoft is in a public preview.

Why No Full SQL Server Reporting/Integration Services in Visual Studio 2022?

Visual Studio 2022 has been out for some eight months now, but it still lacks full support for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), a top feature request.

Teams Dev Kit Advances in Visual Studio 2022 v17.3 Preview 3

In addition to the Microsoft Teams Development Tools (Teams Toolkit) improvements, it has IEnumerable debugger visualizer enhancements, a C++ LLVM tools update and more.

Microsoft Calls Entity Framework Core 7 Preview 6 the 'Performance Edition'

"Performance is always high on our priorities in EF Core," Microsoft said in announcing the new Entity Framework Core 7 Preview 6 release, which the company dubbed the "performance edition."

.NET 7 Preview 6 Adds JSON Contract Customization

The sixth preview of .NET 7 improves type converter functionality, updates System.Formats.Tar APIs, adds constraints to .NET template authoring, boosts CodeGen performance and allows for JSON contract customization.

Custom Blazor Elements No Longer Experimental in .NET 7 Preview 6

Once created, these custom elements -- a custom counter, for example -- can also be used in other single-page application (SPA) web frameworks such as React and Angular.

AWS Streamlines .NET App Deployment with Visual Studio Tool

Amazon Web Services has made it easier to deploy .NET applications to its cloud platform via its Visual Studio toolkit or the .NET CLI (command-line interface).

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