.NET Framework

Silverlight 2.0: The Wait Is Almost Over

The beta of Microsoft's long-awaited RIA platform is weeks away. Are you ready for the .NET runtime in a browser?

Next ASP.NET MVC Preview Coming in March

In a blog post Tuesday, Scott Guthrie, general manager of Microsoft's Developer Division, laid out the roadmap for its upcoming ASP.NET model view controller (MVC) framework for developing Web applications.

Alfresco Survey Polls Enterprise Stack Practices

The second Alfresco Open Source Barometer survey found a general trend toward the use of mixed open source and proprietary software in the enterprise.

Get Your Testing Process Right

When it comes to developing a successful product, perspective and timing in testing are key. Jeff shares the steps for getting it right.

Microsoft Demos New Silverlight Capabilities

Microsoft wants Silverlight to be a rich interactive application environment you can bank on -- literally.

New Microsoft Programming Language: 'D'?

All About Microsoft's Mary Jo Foley is reporting that Redmond is working on a new declarative programming language, currently named "D."

Silverlight XAML Primer 8: Working with XAML Events

Get started using Silverlight's rich media capabilities.

Q&A: Spring.NET Founder Mark Pollack

The latest version of Spring.NET, made generally available in December, is a major upgrade to the original port of the popular Spring Framework, a layered Java/J2EE application-programming model.

Use of Live Customer Data in Application Testing Still Widespread

A survey released by Compuware Corporation and the Ponemon Institute shows "an overwhelming majority of organizations surveyed risk compromising critical information by using actual customer data for the development and testing of applications."

Connect Apps with WCF

Learn when and how to utilize Windows Communication Foundation to develop and maintain your communications layer when creating a loosely coupled, scalable, interoperable services-oriented application.

Get RAD with ASP.NET Extensions

This month's featured downloads include the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview, Visual Basic 9.0 language specification document and more.

The End of the Language Wars

.NET developers, regardless of whether they use VB or C#, realize that the .NET platform is far more important than the language they choose.

Capture Variables with Closures

Learn to pass anonymous types outside the method in which they're created; take advantage of closures when working with lambda expressions; drilldown on overloading; initialize static fields properly; and see where KeyedCollections improve performance.

C# vs. VB Adoption

Is C# really gaining ground against VB? Readers weigh in.

On-Demand Pioneer

Salesforce.com's Steve Fisher talks about development beyond CRM.

February's New Tools and Apps for Your Toolkit.

A look at: Kaxaml 1.0, SubSonic 2.1, SapphireSteel Software, Subkismet.

Good Luck, Mr. Gates

Looking ahead to Bill's departure later this year.

Microsoft's F# Functional Language

A functional programming language built for the .NET Framework

First Source Code for .NET Framework Libraries Released

Microsoft releases .NET 3.5 Framework library source code.

Are You Safer Now?

Virus detectors can detect more than just bugs -- Karl encounters one such system set off by his code, and shares how he worked around it.

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