It's free for up to five users.
It's available as part of Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC, and as a standalone download.
The developer preview was released yesterday.
Unlike Visual Studio 2013 Update 2, TFS isn't a release candidate.
Release Candidate 2 of Visual Studio 2013 also announced.
Memory support is expanded in the Standard edition, responding to feedback.
A new version of the .NET Compact Framework was also released.
Fresh on the heels of SQL Server 2014 being released to manufacturing, the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) team yesterday announced support for the new version, along with numerous other enhancements.
A 99.5 percent service level agreement is promised.
The library is available via NuGet, and includes AdSense, Blogger and YouTube functionality.
Windows Azure HDInsight was also released, based on Hadoop 2.2.
Even with support ending April 8, Windows XP still hangs on, even gaining market share according to some metrics.
- By Scott Bekker
- 03/10/2014
SignalR provides real-time communications between servers and clients.
The technology was developed by a company founded by two ex-Microsoft executives.
The deadline was moved back from March 14 to May 7, at which time early adopters will be automatically enrolled as regular users.
Developers will get the release before the general public.
Developers are encouraged to vote on which releases will come first.
Microsoft didn't address a possible release for Office in 2014.
A new Android SDK for Office 365 is also revealed.
Among his early moves is putting a former high-ranking politico in charge of strategy.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 03/03/2014