
Xamarin.Forms 4.7 Ships

Microsoft shipped Xamarin.Forms 4.7, improving the definition of grid columns and rows, multi-bindings, shapes/paths and more.

Microsoft Ships 5th Previews of .NET 5, Entity Framework Core 5

Microsoft today announced the fifth previews of .NET 5.0 and Entity Framework Core 5.0 en route to a November general release date, though not all of the planned functionality will be finalized by then because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

VS Code Go Language Extension Goes from Microsoft to Google

Citing the need for "more maintenance and support," Microsoft and Google have announced that further development of the Microsoft-led Go programming language extension for Visual Studio Code has been taken over by Google.

VS Code May 2020 Update Features Tips, Remote Development Talks from Build

While announcing the usual plethora of new and improved features and functionality in the May 2020 update of the open source, cross-platform Visual Studio Code editor, the dev team included a new twist: talks on tips and tricks, remote development, and the history of VS Code presented in the recent Build 2020 developer conference.

.NET Core Update Fixes Denial-of-Service Vulnerability

Microsoft cranked out June 2020 updates to .NET Core 3.1 (and 2.1) to address a denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability.

Vendors Update Controls for .NET Core 3.1, Blazor

This week saw two third-party vendors of dev tools -- UX and UI toolkits and controls -- release new offerings that include support for two of Microsoft's main open source frameworks, the cross-platform .NET Core 3.1 and Blazor, which allows for creating browser-based web applications with C# instead of JavaScript.

C++ Is Focus of New Visual Studio 2019 v16.7 Preview 2

C++ development is a focus point of the new Visual Studio 2019 v16.7 Preview 2, featuring a slew of tweaks and improvements touching upon remote SSH connections, IntelliSense support and more.

So What's Up with Microsoft's (and Everyone Else's) Love of Rust?

Microsoft already stewards several popular programming languages -- C#, TypeScript, F# -- so what's up with its love of Rust, along with the rest of the world?

C# Steps Up Programming Language Popularity Ladder

Microsoft's C# programming language climbed a year-over-year notch on the TIOBE Index, which measures popularity among developers.

VS Code Java Tool Updates Debugging, Refactoring

The monthly update to the tooling that boosts Java development in the open source, cross-platform Visual Studio Code editor highlights debugging, refactoring and more.

Microsoft Plugs Away at Blazor for Mobile in Preview 3

Microsoft is furthering its work to target mobile app development with Blazor, the ASP.NET Core offering that originally was developed to allow for C#-based web development instead of JavaScript through the use of WebAssembly for the client side.

Stack Overflow Dev Survey: TypeScript Surges, Leaving Python Behind

Microsoft's embrace of open source is paying off, says Stack Overflow in its new developer survey, as TypeScript has vaulted into second place (behind Rust) as the "most loved" programming language, pulling away from Python, with which it tied in last year's survey.

Docker Strengthens Ties with Azure Cloud, VS Code

Container kingpin Docker announced extended collaboration with Microsoft's Azure cloud computing platform and Microsoft's open source, cross-platform Visual Studio Code editor.

Basic Will Never Die: Microsoft Open Sources GW-BASIC

Microsoft has open sourced GW-BASIC, a programming language developed some 38 years ago. GW-BASIC and variants such as QBasic, QuickBasic and others provided the onramp to computer programming for many industry veterans.

Next for Blazor: AOT for 'Massive Speed Gains'

Blazor guru Steve Sanderson provided a peek at what's coming up for Blazor during a Build presentation this week.

Build Developer Conference: What's New with C# and F#

Microsoft provided updates on its flagship .NET-centric programming languages, C# and F#, during this week's online Build developer conference.

New Visual Studio 2019 for Mac v8.6 Features Integrated Terminal, Blazor WebAssembly Templates

Microsoft's Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.6 was announced at this week's Build developer conference, featuring an integrated terminal, templates for Blazor WebAssembly applications and gRPC service projects, fixes for crashes and hangs, and more.

Green Spiral Graphic

Visual Studio 2019 16.6 Ships with ML.NET Model Builder, Codespaces, WinForms Designer Previews

Working from their home offices, Microsoft developers have shipped Visual Studio 2019 16.6 and the first preview of v16.7 with a slew of new features available in previews, including built-in ML.NET Model Builder functionality, expanded support for Codespaces, a Windows Forms designer for .NET Core projects and more.

COVID-19 Delays Unifying .NET 5 Features

.NET 5 will still ship this November, but it won't have all the unifying "just one .NET going forward" functionality that Microsoft originally planned because of delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Microsoft Unveils Unifying .NET Multi-Platform App UI for Mobile/Desktop

The dream of one cross-platform .NET scheme for every type of project and target is becoming closer to a reality.

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