
Red Yellow Brick

ML.NET Model Builder for Machine Learning Adds Recommendations

Microsoft's latest update of ML.NET Model Builder adds a recommendation scenario to the machine learning (ML) framework, along with image classification model training functionality.

Purple Blue Nebula Graphic

Q&A with Rockford Lhotka: Migrating C# Code from .NET Framework to .NET Standard

With .NET 5 coming in November, Microsoft-centric developers are advised to prepare for the milestone by forming a plan to migrate their .NET Framework code to .NET Standard, which specifices which APIs should be available to all .NET implementations.

Blazor WASM Debugging Planned for Visual Studio

Microsoft has updated the Spring 2020 roadmap for Visual Studio, which shows several items planned to improve the debugging experience for Blazor, the company's ASP.NET Core project that uses WebAssembly (WASM) to allow C# to be used in web development instead of JavaScript.

.NET Core 3.0 'Dies' March 3

Microsoft advised developers that .NET Core 3.0, a major milestone in the new cross-platform, open-source direction of .NET, will reach "end of life" on Tuesday, March 3.

Visual Basic Resurgence? Project Seeks to 'Bring the VBE into This Century!'

It may not signal a VB resurgence, but the Rubberduck project continues to flesh out the Visual Basic for Applications editor into a full-fledged IDE.

Xamarin Nods to Swift for iOS Development

Swift exploded in the iOS development community after Apple picked it to replace the aging Objective-C, and now rival Microsoft is nodding to that popularity by providing guidance to bind iOS Swift libraries when working with its cross-platform mobile dev framework, Xamarin.

Blue Blue Sky and Clouds Graphic

Visual Studio Online Boosts Customization

Microsoft has provided more customization functionality and other enhancements to Visual Studio Online, which provides cloud-powered, managed, on-demand development environments accessible from anywhere via Visual Studio Code or a browser, with Visual Studio IDE support in private preview.

GitHub Project Provides 300-Plus Samples of ASP.NET Core/Blazor Fundamentals

A GitHub project providing more than 300 code samples to illustrate ASP.NET Core fundamentals has amassed more than 4,000 stars.

Black White Wave IMage

AndroidX Support Highlights New Xamarin.Forms 4.5 Release

Support for AndroidX, or next-gen Android Support Libraries, highlights the new release of Xamarin.Forms 4.5, the latest edition of Microsoft's .NET-based cross-platform UI toolkit for creating mobile applications running on Windows, Mac or Linux.

Microsoft Ships Azure Sphere for Securing IoT Devices

Microsoft shipped Azure Sphere, an integrated solution for securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices and equipment.

Microsoft Open Sources Unity Analyzers

Microsoft has open sourced homegrown analyzers that the Visual Studio Tools for Unity team developed to enhance gaming development in Visual Studio.

What's Coming Up for Azure DevOps Boards, Repos, Pipelines and More

While Microsoft's Azure DevOps team has been busy lately, introducing Scalar to speed up Git operations and other initiatives, much more work is planned for the cloud-based successor to Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).

Q&A with Robert Green: Becoming a Better Developer with Visual Studio and Azure DevOps

We caught up with Robert Green, host of the Visual Studio Toolbox show on Microsoft's Channel 9 video site, to get his thoughts on how DevOps can improve the work of dev teams and even individual coders.

TypeScript 3.8 Debuts, with Help from Bloomberg

Microsoft has debuted TypeScript 3.8, with a special shout out of thanks to financial firm Bloomberg for helping to provide support for ECMAScript's private fields.

Old Stone Wall Graphic

Visual Studio Code Boosts Java Dependency Viewer

Easier management of project code dependencies and improvements to extensions for popular Java frameworks and runtimes highlight the February update to Java in Visual Studio Code functionality.

Blule Squares

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac 8.5 Preview Adds ASP.NET Core Authentication

Microsoft, after shipping Visual Studio 2019 for Mac v8.4 with support for ASP.NET Core Blazor Server applications last month, is now previewing the v8.5 series, adding new authentication templates for ASP.NET Core along with other improvements.

Q&A with Brice Wilson: What's New in Angular 9

We caught up with expert web developer/trainer Brice Wilson to get his take on Angular, which always appears at or near the top of periodic rankings of the most popular JavaScript-based web development frameworks.

Microsoft Gives Up on Visual Studio App Center MBaaS, Riling Developers

Microsoft is giving up on making its Visual Studio App Center a Mobile Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS) to concentrate on DevOps functionality, and many developers aren't happy about it.

Azure DevOps Team Speeds Up Git with New Scalar Project

Microsoft's Azure DevOps team announced Scalar, a new project to speed up the operations of Git, the popular, open source, distributed version control system commonly used with source code repository platforms like GitHub.

TypeScript Among Most In-Demand Programming Languages in Software Engineering Report

Careers firm Hired published its 2020 State of Software Engineers report, examining various topics such as the hottest jobs in software engineering, salaries and most in-demand programming languages.

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