SQL Server

Data Platform Needs Foundation, Not Just Planks

As Microsoft continues to offer newer, more innovative data platforms in the cloud, the SQL Server flagship is languishing. Here's what Microsoft needs to do to ensure it moves forward.

Automatic Sorting for Your Collections

The .NET Framework has two collections that will guarantee your items are always sorted whenever you process the collection. Here's how to choose between the two and how to control the sort order (including supporting duplicate entries).

Pink Slip for the Developer Who Slipped In

If you think Bert is all talk when it comes to his decade of C# experience, you're wrong. He delivers…15 times.

Retrieve and Update Entity Framework with Dynamic Queries

You don't have to give up on creating dynamic queries just because you're using Entity Framework. Entity SQL and ObjectQuery will let you generate queries at runtime and still let you update your data through Entity Framework.

Crouching Manager, Hidden Database

If there's one life lesson to be learned here, it's that just because a manager knows how to write code, it doesn't mean that they should be allowed to write code.

A Near-Apocalyptic SQL Disaster Scenario

There once was an invoicing system that, when it worked, it worked very well, indeed. But when it was broken, it was horrid.

Using Multi-Swarm Training on Your Neural Networks

Now that you know how to work with multi-swarm optimization, it's time to take it up a level and see how to train your network to use it.

Dynamic Data Access with Plain Old SQL and SqlQuery

You don't have to give up using dynamic SQL just because you're using Entity Framework. The Entity Framework SqlQuery method will give you back the flexibility of dynamic SQL and still let you work with your data in an object-oriented way.

A Visual Studio Trick for Creating External Lists for SharePoint

Make Visual Studio do the hard work to simplify the creation of external lists that can be used to connect outside data to your SharePoint projects.

Leveraging a Visual Studio Database Project

Peter shows how a Visual Studio database project can make you more productive when making changes to your database. But a database project also gives you a variety of tools to let you keep track of what those changes are -- which will make moving those changes to your production environment considerably safer.

Simplifying Development with Visual Studio Database Projects

Peter learns something by listening to readers: Visual Studio database projects provide a great environment for making changes to your databases. Here's a brief introduction about how they'll make life easier for you and all the steps for setting one up.

Visual Studio Online Updates Identity Controls

New identity controls are among the sprint 74 updates being made to the service. Plus, Brian Harry explains the outage from last week.

NoSQL for .NET: RavenDB 3.0 Takes Flight

Among a bevy of new features in this upgrade to the alternative open source NoSQL database engine for .NET is a new storage engine and file system.

Microsoft's Lankford Explores Cloud Development

The Visual Studio ALM product manager leads the crowd at Live! 360 through some of the market forces driving cloud development.

Out of Time

It’s crunch time for Ben and his team. After a long journey, their project to uplift their biggest client’s application code is nearly at an end. Hopefully they didn’t miss anything ...

How to Refactor for Dependency Injection, Part 6: Binding by Convention

Explicitly setting all the bindings needed to compose your application -- that's a lot of work! See how to use convention over configuration to save time and make your composition easier to understand.

Writing Cleaner Code with Reactive Extensions

When you have a process that can return multiple results over time, then .NET Framework Reactive Extensions will let you simplify your code and manage it better.

Azure Improves Table Storage Paging

Incremental improvement to Azure Mobile Services .NET Backend Azure Storage Extension and Windows Azure Mobile Services will ease table navigation pain with Web apps.

Azure Improves Auditing, Previews PowerShell 0.8.9

Microsoft adds Azure SQL Database auditing improvements, an Azure Websites support extension, and a cloud-based PowerShell in preview.

How To Solve the Impossible Data Problem

Andrew does integration for a living. As a result, weird client data comes with the territory, but one client's data in particular stands out as being truly unique.

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