Web Development

XP, Vista Vulnerability Triggered by Safari Browser

Microsoft continued to investigate what it called public reports of a remote code execution threat for XP and Vista when Apple's Safari Web browser is installed.

Virtualization Improves Developer Productivity

The many ways virtualization technology can help you and your team get more done.

MySQL Gives .NET High Five

MySQL gives Microsoft a nod from the open source community at the MySQL Conference and Expo.

Resize Textboxes Easily

Use .NET's inheritance or extensibility to improve VB's textbox layout.

VS 2008 'Roll-up' Is Data-Driven

New Service Packs for Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 bring data-access technology to .NET Framework.

Microsoft Releases ASP.NET MVC Preview 3

This week Microsoft released the latest preview version of its model view controller (MVC) architecture for Web application frameworks.

Google's App Engine: No Waiting

Google's long-percolating application development environment, the Google App Engine, is now generally available to the public at large, the company said today.

Google To Unveil GWT 1.5 at Developer Conference

Google is set to unveil the latest version of the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) at the company's first big developer conference, Google I/O, scheduled to run this week (May 28 and 29) in San Francisco.

IE 8 Beta 2 Coming 'Third Quarter'

Senior Technical Account Manager at Microsoft New Zealand Nick MacKechnie posted on his MSDN blog that Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 is coming in the "third quarter" of this year.

Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.NET 3.5

Peter shares what he likes -- and doesn't -- in Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.NET 3.5

Building Bridges: Deutsche Post AG's Move to SOA

Codemesh bridges the Java-to-.NET gap at Deutsche Post.

Upgrading Sites to ASP.NET 2.0/3.5

It's good news, bad news if you're upgrading an existing site to ASP.NET 2.0 or 3.5. But it can be done.

Microsoft Renews Talks With Yahoo

Talks between Microsoft and Yahoo are back on the table again, but maybe not about the acquisition bid.

Alliance Weighs In on Microsoft Interoperability

As reported last week, the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta), a group that advises the British government on education technology issues, referred a complaint to the European Commission about the impact of Microsoft's interoperability issues in education.

Novell Releases Silverlight for Linux Source Code

Cross-platform developers can now download the source code for Moonlight, the open source project chartered with building a Silverlight runtime for Linux.

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