Web Development

Transforming Windows Files on C++: What's Fastest?

We just covered background information on our last file processing foray. Now, what's faster: CRT, Windows API, or something else?

Tools, Services Supporting Visual Studio 2017

With Visual Studio 2017 making its debut next week, a number of software and services that comprise its tooling ecosystem have already embedded support for the development platform.

Mimic Lazy Loading with Entity Framework 6 and Entity Framework Core 1.1

Entity Framework Core doesn't have lazy loading (at least, not yet). But you can fake it by using explicit loading, though it doesn't work quite the way you might want. In fact, it's probably a good idea to use this in Entity Framework 6.

Managing Modules in TypeScript 2.1

If you want to ensure that the right code is loaded at the right time (and only loaded when you need it), you can use TypeScript code to organize your code into modules. As a side benefit, managing your script tags will get considerably easier.

Visual Studio Code and the Third Wave of Source Code Editing

Imagine platform-neutral, language-agnostic tools for writing code. Awesome, yes, but using tools like Visual Studio Code to compose your programmatic masterpiece will require a bit of rethinking.

Solving UWP App-to-App Communication in IoT Apps

Writing Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps that rely on inter-process communication is actually easy. Debugging and making them fault-tolerant is the tricky part, but it can be done with the AppServiceConnection for UWP and IoT Apps.

Selecting Groups in LINQ

Some questions can only be answered by organizing your data into groups and then finding groups that contain particular members or have particular properties.

R Tools for Visual Studio Nears Completion

A release candidate that allows developers to use Visual Studio to develop R apps is the last step prior to its general availability. Plus: An update on Python Tools for VS.

TypeScript 2.2 Polishes Up A Few Tooling Fixes

New release fixes a number of issues, including more polished tooling fixes while working in the editor, and the addition of a new object type introduced in the second iteration of the ECMAscript offshoot.

Visual Studio Team Services Sprint 113 Improves PR Experience

Another month, another VSTS sprint. This one features a number of team-related pull request improvements and a more efficient package management UI.

Doing Visual Studio and .NET Code Documentation Right

Good documentation is important for any application, and it starts with documenting your code. It helps you and it helps your users.

Grouping Results in LINQ

Complex queries can be solved with a combination of simpler LINQ queries, anonymous objects and the Group/By/Into clauses. Using Group/By/Into will also give you the best possible performance for those complex queries.

Export Your ASP.NET Configuration To Reduce Restarts, Share Settings

You don't have to keep all your configuration settings in your config file. There are even some benefits to exporting sections to separate files.

Returning Raw JSON Data in Web API with Marten

Here's a trick to have Marten automatically deserialize JSON data only when you want it to.

Visual Studio Code January Build Gets Interactive

Version 1.9 of the online code editor sports a new look and some new tools to get developers up to speed quickly, including an Interactive Playground to test-drive some of the news features.

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