Web Development

Blazor Gets Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core 3 Preview 6

Microsoft shipped ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview 6, with the red-hot Blazor project getting built-in support for handling authentication and authorization, among other updates.

Integrating Blazor into Existing ASP.NET Core Applications

If you want to add server-side Blazor to your existing ASP.NET Core applications, you can. There's not much to it, fortunately. In fact, there's probably more work involved in creating a View or Page that will play well with your component

10 Top Blazor Tools Just a NuGet Away

The hottest NuGet extensions for the hottest ASP.NET Core project.

What's New in TypeScript 3.5

Less than two weeks after the Release Candidate, Microsoft has shipped the final release of TypeScript 3.5, the increasingly popular programming language that improves upon JavaScript by allowing optional static typing.

TypeScript 3.5 RC Fixes Introduced Bug that Caused Slowness 'Explosion'

Microsoft shipped TypeScript 3.5 RC, a release candidate that fixes a type-checking bug the team introduced in version 3.4, which caused a huge slowdown in build times and other performance.

Development Analyst: 'TypeScript Is Exploding'

Developer-focused analyst firm RedMonk, known for publishing one of the leading indices that measure programming language popularity, has noted the growth of Microsoft's TypeScript, stating it's "exploding" in relation to other languages.

VS Code Wizard-Driven Web Template Studio Does Full-Stack Web Apps

Microsoft Web Template Studio, a new open source Visual Studio Code extension, has been unveiled to simplify and quicken the process of creating full-stack Web applications.

Blazor on the Server: The Good and the Unfortunate

Blazor on the Server is coming with .NET Core Version 3.0 in the second half of 2019. Here's what Peter thinks of that (and he's not completely happy).

Blazor Graduates from Experiment to Preview

On the same day we reported "the end of the experiment is in sight" for Microsoft's Blazor project, it did indeed graduate from experimental status to a preview of a new way to do Web UI with .NET languages like C#.

Logging in .NET Core

.NET Core provides a framework that logging systems can be snapped into. However, what's most important about this framework is how you write your messages out. It's the quality of the message that will let you find where your problems are.

Blazor Update: 'The End of the Experiment Is in Sight'

Daniel Roth and Steve Sanderson of Microsoft's Blazor development team provided an update on the long-awaited, experimental project that boosts .NET development for the Web, stating "the end of the experiment is in sight."

Managing Page Layouts in Blazor

Blazor, like most systems for generating Web pages, supports using layout pages for repeated content. Here's what works, what doesn't (yet) work and work-arounds I've discovered for what doesn't work.

What's New in TypeScript 3.4

TypeScript 3.4 is out with the usual array of new features, of which a new --incremental flag can lead to faster project builds after the first such build

TypeScript Climbs RedMonk Programming Language Popularity Ladder

RedMonk's lastet programming language popularity report singles out TypeScript as a big mover among an otherwise fairly static ranking of the usual leaders.

Extending Razor Pages

If you move beyond the basics of working with Razor Pages, there are at least two things you should know to support creating Pages that do more than one thing and integrate with existing code.

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