Enabling User-Updated Live Tiles in Windows 8

This tutorial demonstrates how to give users more power with the ability to customize live tiles in Metro style apps.

Altova MissionKit Review: All the Data Modeling Tools You Need

The Altova MissionKit is a bundle of great tools that work together, but unlike a control suite, the cost savings may not add up for some shops.

Changes Large and Small: WCF 4.5 and the ASP.NET Web API

While Windows Communication Foundation 4.5 has lots of little improvements, the ASP.NET Web API is a very big change. You'll probably end up taking advantage of both, so here's what's in the pipeline for you.

The Impact from Windows 8, in 2012 and Beyond

Time is causing Windows to evolve, but those changes offer new opportunities for app developers.

The .NET Command Pattern, Part 2

How to implement an undo/redo system using the Command pattern in the .NET Framework.

Converting Windows Phone to Windows 8

Migrating a photo-sharing Windows Phone application to run under Windows 8.

The Command Pattern in .NET

In Part 1 of this series, Eric Vogel walks you through a software design pattern that is commonly used to handle UI interactions.

Code Reuse with External Templates and Knockout.js

External templates allow you to reduce the code in your main HTML page, and reuse it in multiple places.

Working with ListBoxes in a Windows Phone Application

By overriding templates, you can modify the look and feel of the ListBox without changing the underlying behavior.

Build Ribbon UIs for SharePoint and Office 365 with Add-in Express

If you want to customize the SharePoint 2010 and Office 365 Ribbon, the Add-in Express Ribbon Designer eases UI development in the cloud.

Incremental Validation in WPF

WPF provides the richest environment for developers to incorporate standalone validation classes into their user interfaces—and for business object developers to support an application's user interface.

Porting a Silverlight App to a Metro-Style App

Many developers are worried about the compatibility of Silverlight with Metro-style applications. This project shows that those fears are overblown.

An Epic FAIL for this Web Service

The office where Peter L. works was abuzz with excitement one morning a few months ago when the familiar, bland corporate art was missing from the wall opposite the elevators.

Readers React: Silverlight's Future

Readers react to a column discussing the future of Silverlight.

Construct XAML Forms at Runtime with Resource Files

WPF makes it very easy to load non-executable resources at run time -- including a complete UI in XAML. Here's how to leverage that functionality to create applications that you can customize without recompiling.

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