Building a Windows 8 Metro App, Part 3: Putting it Together

Eric Vogel covers how to use the Windows 8 local data storage APIs to cache application data.

Dark and Light Themes in a Windows Phone Application

By creating a UI that works well with both dark and light themes, your Windows Phone applications will stand out.

Arrested Development: VB6 Now and Forever

When Brett was hired on as a senior analyst, he wasn't surprised to learn that the older platforms were built around Visual Basic 6 (VB6), which was no longer supported by Microsoft.

Big Data and SQL Server: Disruption or Harmony?

By responding to potential threats with thoughtfulness, and a zeal to add value, SQL and Big Data could be big business for Redmond.

2 Great JavaScript Data-Binding Libraries

JavaScript libraries help you build powerful, data-driven HTML5 apps.

Building a Windows 8 Metro App, Part 2

Learn how to implement the new sharing contracts in Windows 8 to distinguish your application.

Integrating with the .NET Framework UI Controls

With a little bit of code (along with a .NET interface and collection), you can integrate the properties on your classes with the .NET user interface controls to simplify your presentation layer.

UriMapper in Windows Phone

Nick Randolph looks at how you can use a UriMapper to help structure your Windows Phone application.

Extending XAML Applications with Custom Commands

In WPF and Silverlight,you can separate your UI logic into a set of Command classes that facilitate loose coupling, testable designs, and reusability.

Building a Windows 8 RSS Reader

Eric Vogel walks through a soup-to-nuts demo for building a Metro-style RSS reader.

Visual Basic Improvements in Visual Studio 11

Visual Basic development in Visual Studio 11 offers asynchronous methods, iterators, call hierarchy, the Global keyword and Windows 8 Metro-based applications.

Working with Parser Combinators

Parser combinators are put to work in a real-life scenario as custom configurations are designed for neuro-optical scientific experiments in which optical tissue is stimulated and the results are recorded.

A Review of Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview

In addition to adding a new paradigm with Windows 8/Metro, Microsoft has upgraded its core development products; this comprehensive overview takes it all in.

High-Performance ASP.NET Caching

Crafting a caching strategy is critical to building effective Web apps. It's only possible when you know what options are available and how to integrate them.

Reader Letters: Reacting to Windows 8 Developments

Andrew Brust's November Redmond Review column, "Windows 8: Times Are Changing for Developers," got reactions from readers, many of whom are still troubled about what lies ahead.

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