Sybase PowerDesigner Data Modeling

Eliminate "data model archeology" by analyzing your enterprise's systems to find out where data is actually being used.

XML Literals, WCF and LINQ

Learn how to create powerful templates that can be called from both client- and server-side code.

Microsoft Exec Reacts to 'Open Cloud Manifesto'

A Microsoft official took umbrage on Thursday to an "open standards" initiative proposed by a coalition of cloud computing technology providers.

Altova MissionKit Boasts XBRL Savvy

Enterprise-level business intelligence (BI) and financial reporting gets boost from eXtensible Business Reporting Language.

Develop Help Content Like a Professional

MadCap Flare 4.1 offers must-have features for technical writers.

Microsoft Opens Its ODF Documentation for Office 2007 SP2

Microsoft released documentation on Tuesday designed to help developers create applications compatible with Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2, particularly if they need to understand how Office 2007 implements the OpenDocument Format (ODF) standard.

Got One Right!

Can you name one thing Microsoft designed right the first time?

ISO - IEC Publishes Office Open XML Standard

ISO/IEC on Tuesday published the Office Open XML (OOXML) file format standard, formally known as ISO/IEC 29500:2008.

Produce Multimedia Documentation

Review of the MadPak bundle.

MarkLogic Server 4.0 Taps XML Content

Mark Logic releases MarkLogic Server 4.0, with added support for geospatial data, dynamic content and entity enrichment.

Control Exceptions

Take control of casting exceptions, determine whether parent records have children in LINQ to SQL, and resolve cref references in XML comments.

PDC: HP Startup Tests Windows Azure Cloud Platform

A startup company called MagCloud.com is currently using Windows Azure, the new Microsoft "cloud operating system" supporting software as a service applications and storage.

Silverlight 2 Now Available

Silverlight 2, the latest version of Microsoft's cross-platform browser plug-in for multimedia applications, will be available on Oct. 14, company officials announced on Monday.

Busy October Patch Cycle Comes Around with 11 Fixes

Security-minded admins have their work cut out for them, as Microsoft coughs up 11 fixes in its October patch cycle.

11 Fixes Expected for Patch Tuesday

Microsoft's October patch release cycle promises to be a busy one as Redmond announced plans to roll out 11 security bulletins in its Tuesday security release.

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